Scheduled Ancient Monument: BOWL BARROW IN DIXON'S COVERT (31115)

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Suffix 31115
Date assigned 04 February 1999
Date last amended


The monument includes a bowl barrow in Dixon's Covert, 300m north of the River Lark on former heathland. It is visible as an earthen mound, which stands to a height of about 2.2m and covers a roughly circular area with a maximum diameter of about 40m. Encircling the mound is a ditch, from which the earth was quarried during the construction of the barrow. This has become infilled but survives as a buried feature and is marked on the east side by a slight hollow about 5m wide in the ground surface. The barrow therefore has a maximum overall diameter of 50m. A 5m wide depression on the south west side of the mound is thought to be the result of military activity between 1916 and 1917. A R Edwardson excavated a trench, about 4m deep, into the west side of the barrow in 1958 and revealed that the mound was constructed of decayed turf. A number of flint flakes and pottery sherds were recovered from the fill of the ditch. He also discovered a pit dug into the centre of the mound, the result of a previously unrecorded excavation, from which a sherd of Bronze Age pottery was recovered.

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Grid reference Centred TL 8301 6962 (60m by 59m)
Map sheet TL86NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Record last edited

Dec 20 2019 12:44PM

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