Listed Building: THURSTON RAILWAY STATION (281257)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 281257
Date assigned 09 May 1988
Date last amended


TL 96 NW THURSTON STATION ROAD 1/154 Thurston Railway Station GV II Former railway station on the Bury St Edmunds to Ipswich line, now (apart from the platform) a printing works. 1846, by Frederick Barnes of Ipswich for the Ipswich, Bury and Norwich Railway. In the Baroque manner. Red brick with quoins and dressings of gault brick. A band of gault brick at 1st and 2nd floors and beneath upper window cills. Roofs mainly plaintiled, partly slated. Chimneys of red brick with gault brick quoins. Complex plan form: 3- storey centre block, deeply recessed between two narrow 3-storey wings; 2- storey ranges of one window to left and right. Ground storey windows with flat arches of gauged brick and small-pane casements. The hipped-roofed centre block has a large window with wooden mullions and transomes at the upper levels. The parapet-gabled wings have tall round-headed windows with keystones of gault brick, above oeil-de-boeuf windows with 4 keystones. All windows have splayed heads and reveals. An open entrance porch with 3 archways on brick piers: the central archway has rusticated voussoirs and is much the widest and highest. A parapet over the entrance links the two wings, and has moulded stone copings; the shouldered segmental form follows the radius of the arch below. Although the station building is separately occupied, the platform remains in use with a canopy cantilevered on cast iron columns: the valance is renewed at the front in plain vertical boarding, but at the side retains its scalloped profile. Listing NGR: TL9182465030

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Grid reference TL 91824 65030 (point)
Map sheet TL96NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Apr 18 2016 2:19PM

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