Listed Building: WALTHAM HALL (279394)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 279394
Date assigned 26 March 1987
Date last amended


LITTLE STONHAM NORWICH ROAD TM 16 SW 2/143 Waltham Hall - II Farmhouse, mid C17 with major mid C19 alterations. Originally of 3-cell lobby-entrance plan form. 2 storeys and attics. Timber-framed; a gault brick parlour block was added in double-pile fashion in c.1850, and the earlier building was partly encased to match (the rear and sides retain C18/early C19 plaster with herringbone pargetting). Flat pilasters of gault brick to the facade, with moulded capitals. Plaintiled roofs with crested ridge tiles, and bargeboards with undulating soffits. C19 axial chimneys of gault brick with groups of 2 and 4 diagonally-set square shafts. Mid C19 casements, mainly of 3 lights with transomes and flat arches of gauged brick. C19 small pane sashes at sides. 6-panelled C19 entrance door with oblong fanlight and flanking brick pilasters. Principal C17 framing members exposed; butt purlin roof with stepped purlins. Much reused C15 and C16 timber, some moulded. Associated partial mediaeval moat. Listing NGR: TM1168562550

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Grid reference TM 11685 62550 (point)
Map sheet TM16SW

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Record last edited

May 22 2008 12:06PM

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