Listed Building: HAMMONDS (403989)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 403989
Date assigned 14 July 1955
Date last amended


TL 85 NW HAWSTEAD BULL LANE Pinford End 4/60 Hammonds (Formerly listed as Hammond's 14.7.55 Farmhouse under General) II House, formerly farmhouse; mid C15 with mid C16 and C17 alterations. 3-cell open hall-house; 1 1/2 storeys and attics. Timber-framed and rendered. Thatched roof with eyebrow casement dormers and axial chimneys of red brick. Mainly C20 casements with leaded lights, also a C15 8-light diamond-mullioned window to hall, and mid C16 moulded mullioned windows to right-hand parlour and to chamber above. C15 4-centred arched entrance doorway with oak plank door; plaintiled C20 gabled canopy on brackets. A 2-bay smoke-blackened open hall of exceptional timber scantlings, with crown-post roof; the open truss with cambered tie-beam, unchamfered arch-braces, square crownpost having moulded capital and base and 4 arch-braces. The two storied service and solar ends were both originally half-hipped and have massive lodged 1st floor joists. In the cross-passage are 2 arched doorways into service rooms and evidence for an adjacent staircase doorway. The right-hand parlour block with internal chimney added mid C16; at the same time 1st floor inserted into hall and open fireplace built, backing onto cross-passage. A further bay added to left hand end late C17 or early C18, reusing members from an older building. Listing NGR: TL8456159028

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Grid reference TL 84561 59028 (point)
Map sheet TL85NW

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Record last edited

Mar 9 2020 12:09PM

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