Source/Archive record SSF11549 -




Moss G I, E Suff record sheet, circa 1970


Referenced Monuments (9)

  • 1960: Several Rom sherds revealed ploughing, including an amphora handle, colour coated ware and various grey ware fragments. (Monument)
  • 1967: Medieval single-sided sword blade, 28 inches long, ? C14 hunting sword (Find Spot)
  • 1968: A few flint flakes from road ditch dredging (S1)(S3). (Neo) (Monument)
  • November 1970: A broken barbed and tanged arrowhead, unpatinated honey coloured, and a few flakes. (BA) (Monument)
  • November 1970: Handful of very abraded sherds, found in spoil heap from N Sea gas pipe-line trench (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of flint flakes and two small scrapers (Monument)
  • Scole Bridge (Rom) (Monument)
  • Stuston Common (Monument)
  • Two small, abraded sherds, found in 1970 on abraded field surface. (Rom) (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

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