Source/Archive record SSF55949 - Archaeological Excavation, Northgate Street Library.

Title Archaeological Excavation, Northgate Street Library.
Date/Year 1993
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service Report 93/12


The mechanical excavation of the area designated for a new lift shaft and basemented service area, to the rear of the main library range fronting Northgate Street, was commenced by the contractors on 14th April 1993. Earth moving was undertaken under archaeological supervision, and it was recognized that a substantial amount of the archaeological deposits had survived the earlier demolition works. The service area, covering some 60 square metres, was mechanically excavated to the surface of the natural subsoil, and excavation of features cutting this surface commenced on 15th April. To cause as little delay to the on-site contractor (Faircloughs), archaeological excavation continued throughout the weekend and was completed on Sunday 18th April.



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Library, Northgate Street, Ipswich (IAS 1002) (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Excavation, Library, Northgate Street, Ipswich (IAS 1002) (Ref: 93/12)

Record last edited

Dec 19 2016 1:27PM

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