Source/Archive record SSF56435 - Heritage Impact Assesment Dennington Hall Farm
Title | Heritage Impact Assesment Dennington Hall Farm |
Author/Originator | Archaeology South East |
Date/Year | 2014 |
This assessment incorporates the results of a desk-based study of the development area and surrounding buffer zone, a walk-over survey and an assessment of the potential impact of the proposed development on the setting of the designated assets. The construction of the array will not have any impact on the physical
structure or setting of the fishponds. There is likely to be a minor impact upon the setting of the moat.
Referenced Monuments (1)
- DNN 067 Farmstead: Dennington Hall Farm (Farmstead)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF24186 Heritage Impact Assesment Dennington Hall Farm
Record last edited
Jun 21 2016 4:50PM