Source/Archive record SSF59055 - Monitoring Report: Land Adjacent to Lilac Cottage, Forward Green, Earl Stonham
Title | Monitoring Report: Land Adjacent to Lilac Cottage, Forward Green, Earl Stonham |
Author/Originator | Everett, L. |
Date/Year | 2006 |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service Report | 2006-017 |
Earl Stonham, Land adjacent Lilac Cottage (TM/101598; SRL 016) Archaeological monitoring of groundworks associated with the construction of a new dwelling on land adjacent to Lilac Cottage, Earl Stonham. A single, undated pit was seen cutting the exposed natural, but no artefacts were recovered from any part of the site.
(Linzi Everett for S.C.C.A.S. and Mrs. M. Cole; report no. 2006/17)
Referenced Monuments (1)
- SRL 016 Land Adjacent to Lilac Cottage, Forward Green (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF19810 Land Adjacent to Lilac Cottage, Forward Green, Earl Stonham (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-13546)
Record last edited
Mar 21 2024 10:30AM