Number of records found: 317
Monument record: BEL 006 Hall's Sand Pit, Kesgrave (Un) (Monument)Excavation revealed ditches, pottery & bone of unknown date. IPSMG file has site notes, Oct 1958 with sketches.
Monument record: KSG 013 Dobbs Corner; Dobbs Grave (PMed) (Monument)Dobbs Grave. Reputedly grave of shepherd who committed suicide at Kesgrave Hall Farm (circa C18) or gypsy grave.
Monument record: MRM 093 'F 493' (Monument)SE Suffolk survey scatter of 68 medieval coarseware sherds, 1 sherd L-preh .
Monument record: MRM 094 'F 493' (Monument)SE Suffolk survey , scatter of 34 medieval coarse ware sherds (inc 2 rims and 6 bases)
Monument record: MRM 095 'F 496' (Monument)SE Suffolk survey, 3 body sherds of flint gritted ware.
Monument record: MRM 096 'F 496' (Monument)SE Suffolk survey, 1 bodysherd flint gritted ware.
Monument record: MRM 037 'F498' (Preh) (Monument)SE Suffolk survey, produced 1 barbed and tang arrowhead, 2 scrapers, 19 flakes and 1 body sherd of flint gritted ware.
Monument record: MRM 097 'F 506' (Monument)SE Suffolk survey, scatter of 20 flakes, also on field 1 scraper, 15 flakes and 7 med sherds.
Monument record: MRM 098 'F 509' (Monument)SE Suffolk survey , scatter of 26 flakes (inc 1 lightly patinated core rejuvination flake and 2 blades with bluish white patination meso?) and a scatter of burnt flints.
Monument record: MRM 099 'F 509' (Monument)SE Suffolk survey, 1 body sherd flint gritted ware.