Following the first season of excavations at Rendlesham in summer 2021, volunteers continued the post-excavation work on the excavated material at the Cotswold Archaeology warehouse in Needham Market, as part of our community archaeology project Rendlesham Revealed.
Starting the post-excavation processing
The post-excavation process involves several different tasks, which our volunteers have been undertaking throughout November 2021.
Read the November article on our blog »
Finishing off the post-excavation processing
The post-excavation work continued throughout December 2021 to complete the bulk finds quantification and environmental processing.
Read the December article on our blog »
An update: post-excavation processing
Our volunteers have completed the post excavation processing work ready for the relevant specialists to analyse
Read the March article on our blog »
Animal bone - behind the scenes with Dr Charlotte Scull
Over 2,000 fragments of animal bone have been examined by Dr Charlotte Scull, the project’s specialist zooarchaeologist.
Read the Animal bone article on our blog »
Metal Objects - behind the scenes with Faye Minter
83 metal artefacts were unearthed by volunteers at last summer's excavations. Faye Minter, the project's Metal Small Finds specialist, has analysed each one and tells us all about them.
Read the Metal Artefacts article on our blog »
Soil micromorphology - behind the scenes with Prof Charly French
Charly has completed the initial analysis of the environmental sampling taken from six Anglo-Saxon sunken-featured building during the Rendlesham excavations in 2021.
Read the soil micromorphology article on our blog »
Glass Objects - behind the scenes with Dr Rose Broadly
Several fragments of glass were found during this year's excavations, including a a quatrefoil lobed bead.
Read the Glass Objects article on our blog »
Pottery - behind the scenes with Sue Anderson
Approximately 2000 pottery sherds were recovered this year and have been examined by Sue Anderson, the project's pottery specialist.
Read the Pottery article on our blog »