Scheduled Ancient Monument: BOWL BARROW 680M NORTH OF DOBBS CORNER (21266)

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Suffix 21266
Date assigned 12 May 1994
Date last amended


The monument includes a bowl barrow and is situated within a narrow belt of woodland bordered by the grounds of Suffolk Police HQ to the east, by a row of houses fronting on to Deben Avenue to the west, and by a road, the A1214, to the north. The barrow is visible as an earthen mound standing to a height of 0.8m and covering a circular area approximately 20m in diameter. In the northern side of the mound is a curving or angled trench approximately 6m long, probably dug during World War II and now eroded and overgrown. South of this, near the centre of the mound, are two rectangular holes of more recent date, the larger of which measures 4.2m east-west by 2.4m north-south and is approximately 0.5m deep. The other, to the west of the first, measures 0.8m by 0.85m and is approximately 0.35m deep.

External Links (2)

Sources (1)

  • Scheduling record: English Heritage. Scheduled Ancient Monument file.



Grid reference Centred TM 2388 4599 (24m by 24m)
Map sheet TM24NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jul 20 2012 2:33PM

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