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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 275908
Date assigned 17 November 1988
Date last amended


The following item shall be added. TL 78 SW ERISWELL LITTLE ERISWELL 3/96 Barn and cattle sheds About 90 metres East of Eriswell Hall GV II Barn and adjoining cattle-sheds. Circa late C18 or early C19, altered in late C19 or early C20. English-bound red brick barn, brick and flint cattle-sheds. Red pantile roof, the barn with rebuilt brick parapets to the gable ends; the cattle-sheds have hipped roofs. Plan: Large 9-bay field barn with threshing floors in bays 2, 5 and 8. At the back (south) there are 3 cattle-shed wings, the centre and right (west) wings open-fronted onto the 2 stockyards between the wings. In the late C19 or early C20 the left and right hand waggon entrances at the front (north) were reduced in size but leaving the central waggon entrance unaltered. The weatherboarded range on the west side is probably a C20 addition. Exterior: The north elevation of the barn has a large central waggon entrance with C20 boarded double doors and a cement-rendered or concrete lintel. To the left and right the waggon doorways have been reduced and now have lower segmented brick arches. Between the doorways small late 19 or early 20 window openings. In the end gables ventilation holes forming diamond pattern in the brickwork. At the rear (south) 3 long cattle-shed wings of flint and brick with hipped roofs and flint and brick walls between the wings inclosing stock-yards. The centre and west wings are open-fronted on their east sides. Interior: Only the interior of the barn was inspected. It has its complete original roof with staggered butt-purlins, the rafters laying on the backs of the purlins. Tie-beam and collar trusses at the bay divisions and intermediate principal rafters also with collars but without tie-beams. The collars are mortice and turned into the principals. Timber wall-plate and ridge board. Listing NGR: TL7213880724

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Grid reference TL 72138 80724 (point)
Map sheet TL78SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 3 2020 12:34PM

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