Site Event/Activity record ESF20835 - Evaluation - Bowling Green, Magdalen Street, Hadleigh
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Location | Bowling Green, Magdalen Street |
Grid reference | Centred TM 02798 42475 (65m by 64m) |
Map sheet | TM04SW |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service
Not recorded.
An archaeological evaluation was carried out on the former bowling green on Magdalen Steet, Hadleigh, in advance of a proposed development. Three 20m trenches were excavated across the site but no archaeological features of any period were identified and no artefacts were recovered. The natural subsoil consisted of a pale orange/brown sandy silt with occasion flints. The natural topography rises to the east and to create a level green material has either been deliberately dumped, or has possible accrued through cross slope ploughing, resulting in the depth of the subsoil varying from 0.45m close to the north-east edge of the site to just over 1m towards the south-west boundary. The overburden consisted of a clayey topsoil containing only very occasional fragments of red brick/tile.
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future No
Associated Identifiers:
Planning Application No. B/09/00602/FUL
NMR No. 1532693
Project Type: Field evaluation
Development Type: Urban residential (e.g. flats, houses, etc.)
Methods and Techniques: Sample Trenches
Position in the Planning Process: After full determination (eg. As a condition)
Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPS
Site status: Local Authority Designated Archaeological Area
Current Land use: Other 14 - Recreational usage
Area 2200.00 Square metres
Grid Reference: TM02774248 Point
Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body
Design originator: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Field Team
Director/Manager: Rhodri Gardner
Supervisor: Mark Sommers
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: HAD116
Contents: other
Media: Images raster / digital photography, Text
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: HAD116
Contents: other
Media: Correspondence, Notebook - Excavation, Research, General Notes, Plan, Report
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: Archaeological Evaluation Report: Bowling Green, Magdalen Street, Hadleigh
Author(s)/Editor(s): Sommers, M.
Other Bibliographic Details: SCCAS 2011/010
Date: 2011
Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS
Place of Issue or Publication: Ipswich
Description: printed sheets of A4 paper with card covers and a plastic comb binding
Sources/Archives (1)
- <S1> SSF53802 Unpublished document: Sommers, M.. 2011. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Bowling Green, Magdalen Street, Hadleigh, HAD 116.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- HAD 116 Negative evaluation at Bowling Green, Magdalen Road (Revoked Record)
Record last edited
May 5 2016 5:55PM