Site Event/Activity record ESF20889 - Building recording at Lower Manorhouse Farm, Battisford

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Location The Cartlodge at Lower Manor House Farm
Grid reference Centred TM 046 539 (37m by 54m)
Map sheet TM05SW



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


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Lower Manor Farm lies in open countryside to the north of Valley Road and approximately 300 m south of St John Manor. It lay just beyond the eastern boundary of Battisford Tye but the pattern of roads in the area suggests it occupies ground that once formed part of the green. The late-16th century timber-framed farmhouse may have been built by Gresham as a 'home farm' on newly enclosed land in front of his manor house and is grade II-listed. The two properties were sold together in 1795 and farmed as a single entity in the 19th century. The farm yard consists of a 17th century timber-framed barn and a pantiled flint-rubble shelter-shed of circa 1870 adjoining a pair of cattle yards. The shed was last used for cattle in the 1970s and still contains a pair of boarded cattle troughs. Much of the wall fabric and all but a short section of roof were renewed in modern red-brick and softwood in the 1980s following a major collapse under the weight of snow, and little of the original building now survives. The shed is typical of its period, but is too late in date and too heavily altered to merit listing in its own right. Its chief point of interest lies in the extent to which it illustrates the agricultural revolution of Victorian High Farming and in its contribution to the historic and visual context of the listed farmhouse and the unlisted but historically significant barn. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future No Associated Identifiers: Sitecode BAT 017 NMR No. 1536107 Project Type: Building Recording Methods and Techniques: Photogrammetric Survey Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPS Site status: curtilage of a listed building Current Land use: Other 2 - In use as a building Monument Type(s)/Period(s): SHELTER SHED Post Medieval Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): NONE None PROJECT LOCATION Area 150.00 Square metres Grid Reference: TM046539 Point PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: Edward Martin Director/Manager: David Gill Supervisor: Leigh Alston DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR Contents: Survey, other Media: Images raster / digital photography, Survey PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR Contents: Survey, other Media: Report, Survey BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: The 'Cart Lodge', Lower Manor Farmhouse, Battisford, Suffolk BAT 017 : Historic Building Record Author(s)/Editor(s): Alston, L. Other Bibliographic Details: SCCAS Report Date: 2010 Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS Place of Issue or Publication: Bury St Edmunds Description: A4, comb bound, white cover with colour photo (also available as PDF)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Alston, L.. 2010. Historic Building Recording: The 'Cartlodge', Lower Manor Farmhouse, Battisford.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • The 'Cartlodge', Lower Manor Farmhouse, Battisford (Building)

Record last edited

Jun 14 2012 5:32PM

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