Site Event/Activity record ESF21250 - Land west of 'The Donkey', Stone Street, Hadleigh

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Location Land west of 'The Donkey', Stone Street
Grid reference Centred TM 0163 4372 (119m by 108m)
Map sheet TM04SW



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


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An archaeological evaluation was carried out on land to the west of 'The Donkey', Stone Street, Hadleigh on the 13th and 14th May 2010 in advance of development of the land for the construction of new facilities for Hadleigh Bowls Club. Five trenches were excavated across the site, concentrating in particular on the area of possible medieval street frontage development and the area underneath the proposed main structures for the Bowls Club. Archaeological finds of likely later prehistoric date were encountered, along with a single undated but probably related gully feature in Trench 5. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future No Associated Identifiers: HER event no. HAD 097 Contracting Unit No. 2010/097 NMR No. 1548414 Project Type: Field evaluation Development Type: New Bowls Club facilites, Rural commercial Methods and Techniques: Sample Trenches Position in the Planning Process: After full determination (eg. As a condition) Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPG16 Site status: Area of Archaeological Importance (AAI) Current Land use: Cultivated Land 1 - Minimal cultivation Monument Type(s)/Period(s): DITCH Late Prehistoric Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): POTTERY Late Prehistoric PROJECT LOCATION Area 0.37 Hectares Grid Reference: TM01644374 Point Height 22.41 - 22.86 metres PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: Jess Tipper Director/Manager: Rhodri Gardner Supervisor: Simon Cass DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR Contents: Ceramics Media: Images raster / digital photography, Text PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR Contents: Ceramics Media: Context sheet, Plan, Report, Section PHYSICAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR Contents: Ceramics BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Land to the west of 'The Donkey', Stone Street, Hadleigh Author(s)/Editor(s): Cass, S. Other Bibliographic Details: 2010/097 Date: 2010 Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS Place of Issue or Publication: Ipswich Description: A short report in house style, printed and bound. A4 size.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Cass S. 2010. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Land west of 'The Donkey', Stone Street, Hadleigh, HAD 097.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Land west of 'The Donkey', Stone Street, Hadleigh (Monument)

Record last edited

Dec 22 2011 2:09PM

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