Site Event/Activity record ESF22623 - Monitoring - Land Adj to Cornerways, Mill Lane, Campsea Ashe.
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Location | |
Grid reference | Centred TM 3246 5572 (29m by 40m) |
Map sheet | TM35NW |
Not recorded.
An archaeological monitoring was carried out on the excavation of footings prior to the construction of a new dwelling on land adjacent to Cornerways, Mill Lane, Campsea Ashe, Suffolk. The development lies within an area of archaeological importance, as defined in the County Historic Environment Records. Roman pottery scatters CAA 005 and CAA 008 were found adjacent to this site, it is possible that this development could cause disturbance to any occupation deposits that may be present.
The ground works consisted of footings, machine excavated to a depth of 1.2m, forming the foundations for the new dwelling and accompanying garage. The footings were examined during a single site visit by Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Field Projects Team.
The upper layer visible in the trenches consisted of 0.3m of topsoil, (0001) is a mid brown silty sand with small sub angular and rounded stones. This layer simply represents the redundant garden loam of the adjacent properties. Below this, extending to a depth of 0.9m was (0002) a natural, yellow clay containing frequent chalk nodules. This layer sat directly on to (0003) a mixed orange craggy sand and gravel, which was present in the lower extent of all the trenches.
The soil profile was consistent throughout the trenches examined. Within the restricted area of these footings no archaeological features were observed. The up-cast spoil from the excavations was examined, no dateable archaeological finds were recovered. Natural subsoil was encountered at a minimum depth of 0.3m below the existing ground level. Its maximum depth was not observed. Digital photographs were taken during this site visit as an archive record.
Despite the site’s sensitive location no archaeological finds or features were encountered.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF55491 Unpublished document: West, A,. 2008. Archaeological Monitoring Report - Land Adj to Cornerways, Mill Lane, Campsea Ashe.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- CAA 063 Negative Monitoring at Land adjacent to Cornerways, Mill Lane, Campsea Ashe (Revoked Record)
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 5:20PM