Site Event/Activity record ESF23677 - Evaluation - Endobec, St Johns Street, Mildenhall

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Location Endobec, St Johns Street, Mildenhall
Grid reference Centred TL 70124 77137 (2m by 13m)
Map sheet TL77NW



Britannia Archaeology


Not recorded.



Trial trench evaluation in advance of the construction of a dwelling. One trench was excavated. Topsoil was a garden soil consisting of dark grey-brown, loose silty sand at a max depth 0.33m and overlay subsoil which was a mid orange-brown layer present to a thickness of 0.19m and a max depth of 0.47m. This consisted of compact silty sand, with moderately frequent sub angular chalk pebbles and flecks. Below the subsoil was a colluvial layer, consisting of a compact, mid orange-brown silty sand at a depth of 0.42m-0.9m and was only presnet in the southern thirn of Trench 1. The natural was a compact light grey-brown/light orange-brown sand with a band of compact light yellow-white chalk in the middle of the trenche and was present from a minimum depth of 0.85m (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Leigh, A.. 2016. Archaeological Evaluation, Endobec, St John's Street, Beck Row.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • 17th century pits, Endobec, St Johns Street (Brit Arch) MON (Monument)

Record last edited

Mar 8 2018 11:22AM

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