Site Event/Activity record ESF23721 - Fieldwalking Survey - Great Cornard Reinforcement Main

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Location Great Cornard Reinforcement Main, Sufolk
Grid reference Centred TL 9018 3955 (1529m by 3270m) (7 map features)
Map sheet TL93NW



Archaeological Services and Consultancy Ltd


Not recorded.



A program of fieldwalking and aerial photographic assessment was undertaken in advance to the construction of the Great Cornard reinforcement water main. The fieldwalking followed the route of the pipeline, in a 100m wide corridor. Around 15% of the route was occupied by pasture, orchards or sugar beet and could not be fieldwalked. Some of the areas that were walked had limited visibility due to crops above 10cm in height. The aerial photo assessment did not reveal any archaeological sites or features along the pipeline corridor (S1). Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future Not known Associated Identifiers: Sitecode CTM/865 NMR No. 1513632 Project Type: Field evaluation Development Type: Service infrastructure (e.g. sewage works, reservoir, pumping station, etc.) Methods and Techniques: 'Fieldwalking', 'Aerial Photography - interpretation' Position in the Planning Process: Not known / Not recorded Reason for Investigation: Water Act 1989 and subsequent code of practice Site status: None Current Land use: Cultivated Land 4 - Character Undetermined PROJECT LOCATION Area 400 Hectares Grid References: TL89444117 Line, TL90903756 Line PROJECT CREATOR(S) Organisation: ASC Ltd Brief originator: Dr J Tipper, Suffolk CC Design originator: Caroline Barclay Director/Manager: David Fell Supervisor: Elizabeth Gill DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Sufolk SMR Contents: 'none' Media: 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Text' PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Sufolk SMR Contents: 'none' Media: 'Miscellaneous Material', 'Photograph', 'Report' PHYSICAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Sufolk SMR Contents: 'Ceramics', 'Worked stone/lithics', 'other' BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Great Cornard Reinforcement Main, Sufolk Author(s)/Editor(s): Gill, E. Date: 2007 Issuer/Publisher: ASC Ltd Place of Issue or Publication: Milton Keynes Description: A4 binding with plastic cover (beige beneath) black spine

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Gill, E.. 2007. Archaeological Evaluation: Great Cornard Reinforcement Main, Suffolk.

Related Monuments/Buildings (5)

  • Findspot of two sherds of Post Medieval pottery (Find Spot)
  • Late Iron Age and Roman pits and field boundary ditches (Monument)
  • Scatter of Post Medieval and Undated pottery and building material (Monument)
  • Scatter of Post Medieval pottery and undated building material (Monument)
  • Scatter of Post Medieval pottery and undated building material (Monument)

Record last edited

Feb 4 2025 10:11AM

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