Monument record OFF 027 - Artefact scatter of late Saxon/early Medieval and Pmed Pottery + Pmed Brick with burnt Flint.

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Pmed CBM fragments and 18C+ sherds and claypipe fragments. In addition 2 sherds of earlier date and some burnt flint also found.


Grid reference Centred TM 0756 4909 (25m by 39m)
Map sheet TM04NE


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

One visit was made when the groundwork for the retaining wall was well underway. The house is situated towards the bottom of a small valley and faces soutwest where it fronts onto the Ipswich Road. The garden to the rear of the property rises sharply to the northeast of the with a steep slope that rises 4/5m over a distance of c25m.
While ground conditions were dry visibillity was good and the exposed section along the slope revealed some 300/400mm of sandy topsoil over 1/1.5m of sandy subsoil hillwash lying on on sand/gravel natural drit geology. Within the hillwash layer Pmed brick/tile fragments and 18C+ sherds could be seen close to its base and no layer differentiation could be observed from top to bottom. No features could be seen below the hillwash layer. In addition 2 sherds (54g) of earlier date were found in the spoil, one is a slightly abraded greyware body sherd which could be Thetford type ware of late Saxon/Early Medieval date, and the other is an unglazed redware strap handle, probably of late Medieval and Transitional ware type of 15/16th century date. Finally the spoil also contained a few heavily burnt flints of unknown date. (S1)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Newman J. 2003. Watching Brief - The Mutton, Ipswich Road, Offton.

Finds (6)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jan 23 2025 3:35PM

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