Monument record BLL 023 - Geophysical anomalies at Port One, Great Blakenham, Geo (WYAS)
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Grid reference | Centred TM 1184 4925 (579m by 220m) |
Map sheet | TM14NW |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
2020: A geophysical (magnetometer) survey identified anomalies of possible archaeological origin. Two sectors were surveyed. A linear feature in the northwest corner of sector 1 has the potential to form part of an enclosure related to a series of Iron-Age and Romano-British ditches revealed during excavations to the immediate north (BLG 036). A circular anomaly in the centre of sector 1 measuring c.14.00m in diameter has been interpreted as a possible ring ditch with a single ferrous dipolar response in the centre which might be modern but could be archaeological. A group of linear and curvilinear anomalies in the southwest corner of sector 1 might represent small enclosures. A further linear anomaly on the eastern edge of sector 1 is likely a continuation of the remains of a Roman field system recorded during geophysical survey and subsequent excavation immediately to the south (BRF 106). Linear anomalies recorded in sector 2 to the east might represent an enclosure measuring c.45m x 42m although the feature is bisected by a modern service pipe. Part of sector 2 was previously included in an archaeological evaluation in 2014 (BRF 106) and it is suggested that this possible enclosure might relate to two undated ditches identified during the evaluation. A further linear anomaly in sector 2 might also represent a corner of a further enclosure. (S1)
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF60336 Unpublished document: Brunning, E and Trace, A. 2020. Geophysical Survey: PortOne, Little Blakenham.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Sep 7 2022 2:32PM