Monument record LCS 326 - OUTLINE RECORD:Early Bronze Age Iron Age pits, Roman, Anglo-Saxon features at Broom Walk areas 11 and 12 , Sizewell MDS, (CAS) EXC

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Beaker (Early Bronze Age) pits or possible hut floors , Iron Age pits, Roman, Anglo-Saxon of possible sunken featured building and oven and medieval Post hole buildings, series of enclosures ditches and enclosure site.


Grid reference TM 6455 2642 (point)
Map sheet TM62NW


Type and Period (0)

Full Description

Two large areas were excavated across the S half of Broom Field (Area 11 to the E and Area 12 to the W; 1.4ha and 1.15ha respectively). Stratigraphic and artefact evidence for Beaker (Early Bronze Age), Iron Age, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and medieval activity was recorded. The main focus of Beaker activity was within Area 12 with a series of shallow hollows (possibly pits or even hut floors) filled with midden material and containing abundant quantities of pottery and struck flint. Flint scrapers were particularly common. Other pit groups were identified, many containing the highly decorated comb-impressed pottery distinctive of this period. Other finds included a barbed-and-tanged arrowhead and a fragment of stone mace head. Small pit groups of both Early and Middle Iron Age date were recognised, and occasional residual quantities of Roman pottery were found in later features. A possible Anglo-Saxon sunken featured building (SFB) was revealed in Area 11. A large circular oven base defined by flint cobbles set in clay had been inserted into one corner of the SFB and the remains of a second oven were also revealed. Both ovens were associated with medieval pottery of 11th- to 14th-century date. Potential post-hole buildings and a series of enclosure ditches were other medieval features encountered within Area 11. The medieval period was the most prominent phase of activity in Area 12, comprising an enclosure system situated on the N side of a droveway. Buildings, ovens, large pits and a post-hole alignment were situated within the enclosures. The structures displayed different building styles, but were all clustered in the S half of the enclosures and were aligned parallel or perpendicular to the adjacent droveway. The droveway alignment is preserved in the existing Sandlings track to the S of the site. The largest and earliest structure within Area 12 was a substantial building measuring 21.5m in length and 5.7m wide. The central part of the building was rectangular and defined by a beam-slot. Sitting either end of this were two rectangular arrangements of post-holes, which may have been possible extensions. This building was within an enclosure ditch and four other structures were revealed in the same enclosure. Differences of construction type included combinations of clay floors, beam-slots, post-holes, post-pads, traces of clay cob walls and potential evidence for ‘studwork’ as revealed by lines of stake-holes (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Article in serial: Cutler, H., Minter, F. and Rolfe, J.. 2024. Archaeology in Suffolk 2023, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jul 9 2024 10:23AM

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