Monument record IKL 087 - Decorated bronze bracelet of unknown date.
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Grid reference | Centred TL 760 738 (100m by 100m) Approximate |
Map sheet | TL77SE |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Formerly in possession of Reverend A Francis Bell, Charlcombe Rectory, Bath, BA1 8DR. Letter from Ian H Longworth (British Museum, Department of Prehistoric and Romano-British Antiquities) 1970 to (see 'Not to be published on web' tab for finder/s and/or findspot/s), Bath says that he has shown "bracelet to Mr Rowlands, who is of the opinion it could be MBA in date, belonging to the 'Ornament Horizon' but that the form is so simple that it could really have been made at any time. This was really the opinion of Dennis Britton also, so we are not likely to be able to be more definite than that I'm afraid". Bracelet presumably returned via Mr Roos at Prehistoric Society meeting to (see 'Not to be published on web' tab for finder/s and/or findspot/s).
Reply 29 May 1985 with bracelet and correspondence above. Grid reference from memory, date of find was August 1968. Wish expressed for it to go to Moyses Hall Museum (S4).
Letter from E Martin 14/6/1985 suggesting likely MBA or Rom. Given to Moyses Hall Museum (S5)(S6).
Sources/Archives (8)
- <S1> SSF10609 (No record type): Longworth, I.H.. Longworth I H, letter to Roos A, 10 September 1970.
- <M1> SSF50072 Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. Parish file : copies of correspondence in (S1) to (S4) above..
- <S2> SSF17751 (No record type): Roos A, letter to Longworth I H, 15 October 1970.
- <M2> SSF37099 (No record type): File 30.1 copy of (S5) above.
- <S3> SSF10611 (No record type): Longworth, I.H.. Longworth I H, letter to Roos A, 16 October 1970.
- <S4> SSF1183 (No record type): Bell Reverend A F, letter to SEW, 29 May 1985.
- <S5> SSF18025 (No record type): SAU (Martin E A), letter to Bell Reverend A F, 14 June 1985.
- <S6> SSF2736 (No record type): BSEMH, card 1985-50, 1985.
Finds (1)
- FSF5854: BRACELET (Undated)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Aug 5 2013 4:45PM