Monument record SLY 022 - A probable bronze age round barrow, Shotley parish.

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A probable bronze age round barrow, Shotley parish.


Grid reference Centred TM 2375 3474 (25m by 25m)
Map sheet TM23SW


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

Ring ditch, circa 25m diameter. A length of trackway NW-SE, part of SLY 044, runs immediately N and just intersects with it (S1) (S2).
A probably prehistoric ring ditch is visible on aerial photographs as a cropmark in Shotley parish, centred on TM 23753475. The ring ditch is circa 25m in diameter, and appears to be overlain by a possible length of medieval or post-medieval trackway or field boundary that is part of the wider cropmark landscape described in SLY 044. A probable boundary feature, part of the probably late prehistoric or Roman cropmark landscape recorded under ARW 020, appears to possibly respect the ring ditch, but the cropmarks are a little too fragmentary to be certain of this. However, the size of the ring ditch is a little too large for an interpretation as a hut circle, and is more likely to have been associated with a bronze age round barrow. There are other similarly sized features in the immediate area which do not appear to be associated with the late prehistoric or Roman field system recorded in ARW 020, possibly supporting this interpretation (see SLY 021). (S3, S4)

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <S1> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR, AP 1/343.
  • <M1> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. AP : NMR 1/343.
  • <S2> (No record type): SAU, AP AGK 09.
  • <M2> (No record type): SAU AGK 09.
  • <S3> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2334/5 (SFU 11565/GK/10) 21-JUL-1977.
  • <S4> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2335/6 (SFU 11549/12) 23-JUL-1975.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Aug 30 2017 4:16PM

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