Monument record SUT 145 - Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system or enclosures, Sutton
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Grid reference | Centred TM 30822 46188 (398m by 406m) |
Map sheet | TM34NW |
Type and Period (4)
Full Description
Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman enclosures and field boundaries are visible as cropmarks of ditches on aerial photographs, centred on TM 30894620. The cropmarks cover an area roughly 61m2 and consist of a number of rectilinear ditched enclosures and linear features. In the middle of the site, centred on TM 30924617, a rectilinear enclosure enclosing an area roughly 60m by 40m is visible. At the north west corner of this enclosure an entrance is visible and a trackway can be seen running west from this entrance for 70m, possibly creating a funnel leading to the enclosure. (S1-S2) Irregular marks within this enclosure could represent pits but these have not been plotted. (S3) The eastern side of the enclosure is formed by a substantial linear ditch, 3.5m wide, that runs north-south from TM 30924623 to TM 30964613. Another rectilinear enclosure of similar dimensions is visible to the east of the first enclosure. The eastern side of this enclosure is not visible as it crosses into the next field but the southwest corner of this enclosure runs into the substantial ditch described above and appears to show that this enclosure is part of a later phase of activity on the site. (S3) A small rectlinear enclosure is also visible adjoined to the northern side of the first enclosure located in the middle of the site, centred on TM 30914622. This enclosure has a much less substantial enclosure ditch and is sub-divided by an internal curvilinear ditch. The rounded corner of another enclosure is visible at TM 30724620. A number of double ditched features, interpreted as trackways, are visible on the site, one running east-west from TM 30784615 to TM 30864616 and two running north-south, one from TM 30854607 to TM 30874601 and the other, short stretch centred on TM 30644620. These trackways do not appear to have a direct relationship with the enclosures but they are orientated on similar alignments. Another possible trackway is also visible to the far north of the site at TM 30714635. (S4) Three parallel linear features can be seen running roughly north to south, centred on TM 30804619. These features are orientated on a similar alignment to the enclosures but it is not clear whether they constitute a trackway or trackways or parts of enclosure ditches. The enclosures and trackways could possibly be of Later Prehistoric or Roman date. (S1-S4)
Sources/Archives (4)
- <S1> SSF50073 Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 3046/6 (1767/113) 04-JUN-1980.
- <S2> SSF50073 Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 3045/21 (1767/115) 04-JUN-1980.
- <S3> SSF50073 Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 3046/4 (4529/99) 14-JUL-1989.
- <S4> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/832 4057-4058 23-SEP-1945.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Sep 29 2014 3:20PM