Monument record ARW 042 - Possible World War II bomb craters, visible on aerial photographs.

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A possible World War II bomb crater is visible on aerial photographs in the saltmarsh near Waterhouse Creek in Arwarton parish


Grid reference Centred TM 22657 34003 (21m by 23m)
Map sheet TM23SW


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

A possible World War II bomb crater is visible as an earthwork in the saltmarsh near Waterhouse Creek in Arwarton parish, located at TM 22653400. The possible bomb crater is visible as a circular hole in the saltmarsh measuring 24m in diameter. A deeper central area within the hole is visible on aerial photographs taken in 1946 and the saltmarsh around the hole appears to be disturbed on photographs taken at this time. (S1) (S2) (S3) The hollow is very similar in nature to a bomb crater in an area of saltmarsh in the Deben estuary where the interpretation of the feature is more certain (RMS 035). It is not depicted on the Ordnance Survey map dating to 1904 and therefore must be relatively recent, supporting the interpretation of the hollow as a bomb crater. (S4)

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <S1> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/1635 3017-3018 09-JUL-1946.
  • <S2> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 58/633 Pt III 5011-5012 18-APR-1951.
  • <S3> Photograph: OS, AP. NMR OS/87146 8964-8965 11-SEP-1987.
  • <S4> Verbal communication: Newsome, S.. 2001 -. Suffolk Coastal NMP Project. Sarah Newsome 03/12/03.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jun 7 2013 1:44PM

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