Source/Archive record SSF16568 - Bury and Norwich Post, Tuesday Nov 2, 1886, 5
Title | Bury and Norwich Post, Tuesday Nov 2, 1886, 5 |
Author/Originator | Prigg H |
Date/Year | 1886 |
Prigg H, Bury and Norwich Post, Tuesday Nov 2, 1886, 5
Referenced Monuments (6)
- FAS 072 "Sewer trench" Fornham All Saints, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- HNV 046 Features and artefact scatter of unknown date, including a pit. (Un) (Monument)
- ELV 164 Findspot of a Neolithic axehead (Find Spot)
- BSE 638 Neolithic axe, Springfield Road (Find Spot)
- BSE 636 Neolithic flint axe, The Bell (site) (Find Spot)
- FAS 079 Roman features, Fornham Road (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF27353 Unknown Event? "Sewer trench" Fornham All Saints, Fornham All Saints,
Record last edited
Feb 11 2020 1:30PM