Source/Archive record SSF56493 - Land off Lime Avenue, Oulton, Suffolk: A Geophysical Survey

Title Land off Lime Avenue, Oulton, Suffolk: A Geophysical Survey
Date/Year 2014
Archaeological Solutions Report 4687


In August and September 2014 Archaeological Solutions Limited (AS) conducted a detailed gradiometry survey of land off Lime Avenue, Oulton, Suffolk. The survey was commissioned by Persimmon Homes Ltd in advance of the proposed construction of a new residential development.



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service HO1

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Prehistoric to Saxon Occupation at Land off Lime Avenue, Oulton (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Geophysical Survey - Land off Lime Avenue, Oulton (Ref: OASIS-archaeol7-187142)

Record last edited

Oct 11 2017 1:19PM

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