Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 184 'Kiln shed' 1840 (Monument)Possible kiln site based on field name on tithe map 1840. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 185 'Kiln farm' 1840 (Monument)Possible area of kiln based on field name on 1840 tithe map (S1). Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 025 Probable Iron-Age and Roman settlement and field boundaries. (Monument)Probable Iron Age and Roman settlement and field systems, Martlesham and Waldringfield parishes
Monument record: KSG 020 World War II Light Anti-Aircraft Artillery emplacement, visible as an earthwork. (Monument)An earthwork of Second World War date, possibly a Light Anti-aircraft Artillery emplacement, can be seen on Foxhall Heath, Kesgrave parish, on aerial photographs.
Monument record: KSG 021 World War II slit trenches. (Monument)Slit trenches of Second World War date are visible on aerial photographs as earthworks on Foxhall Heath, Kesgrave parish.
Monument record: FXL 044 Modern WW2 radar station (Monument)A radar station of Second World War date, possibly a temporary early receiving station, is visible on aerial photographs as a number of structures, buildings and towers, to the north of Foxhall Road, Foxhall parish.
Monument record: MRM 144 Post-medieval finds, Middle Bronze Age flint tools and burnt flints, Land between Main Road and Felixstowe Road (Monument)Archaeological fieldwalking and metal-detecting survey identified post-medieval finds, Middle Bronze Age flint tools and burnt flints. Roman Field System
Monument record: BEG 007 OS Field 6500 (Med) (Monument)Scatter of pottery C12 C13 C14. Further pottery found during watching brief for Martlesham Bypass.
Monument record: MRM 017 Martlesham Heath Barrow Number 1 (Monument)Site of round barrow. Reported to have been destroyed in 1917 when the airfield was made
Monument record: MRM 022 Notcutts Nursery; Martlesham Field (Preh) (Monument)Flint scatter : 17 scrapers, 16 flakes, 5 flakes with secondary working, 2 undated cores (S1) plus limited trial trenching in 1977.