Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 020 Findspot of a Roman blue glass bead. (Monument)Blue glass bead with white trail decoration, found in a mole hill.
Monument record: MRM 021 Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)Rom pottery, some C1, in black patch 4 feet in diameter.
Monument record: MRM 026 Probable Prehistoric or Roman field systems and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)Cropmarks of probable later Prehistoric or Roman field systems and trackways, Martlesham parish.
Monument record: MRM 027 Findspot of a Neolithic axe or adze. (Monument)Neo axe / adze, noted on Ipswich Museum Map.
Monument record: MRM 240 Neolithixc axes and arrowheads, Blood Field (Poorly Located Monument)Several axes and arrowheads from Blood Field. Recorded in Victoria County History. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 202 Findspot of Neolithic axes and arrowheads (Poorly Located Find Spot)A number of axes and arrowheads in private collections. Recorded in Voctoria County History. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 204 Neolithic leaf shaped arrowhead, Beacon Hill (Find Spot)Leaf shaped arrowhead from Beacon Hill. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 205 Aneolithic dolerite axe,ldridge's Farm (Poorly Located Find Spot)Polished dolerite axe, expanded edge type. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 207 Findspot of a Neolithic partly polished flint axe (Poorly Located Find Spot)Partly polished flint axe. Recorded on Ipswich Museum Card. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 231 Neolithic artefact scatter of 4 leaf shaped arrowheads. (Poorly Located Monument)Four leaf shaped arrowheads "from surface" (J R Moir)(S1). Formerly recorded as MRM MISC