Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 232 Neolithic artefact scatter, including 22 flint arrowheads, a polished flint axe and a white quartzute pebble (Poorly Located Monument)22 flint arrowheads, polished flint axe, white quartzite pebble with depression each side, `adze like' axe of yellow flint. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 213 Neolithic flint axe, Seckford Hall Farm (Find Spot)Polished flint axe (pale yellow). ? found at Seckford Hall Farm, which is just in Great Bealings Parish. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 239 Neolithic artefact scatter of arrowheads and scrapers (Poorly Located Monument)Arrowheads, scrapers, etc. Recorded on Ipswich Museum Card. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 217 Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead (Poorly Located Find Spot)Barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. Recorded on Ipswich Museum Card. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 218 Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged grey flint arrowhead (Poorly Located Find Spot)Barbed and tanged grey flint arrowhead (Moore Collection)(S1). Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 221 Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed axe. (BA) (Poorly Located Find Spot)Bronze socketed axe. Condition cracked. Green & bronze patina. Recorded on Ipswich Museum Card.
Monument record: MRM 223 Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed spear (Poorly Located Find Spot)Bronze socketed spear. Damaged. Recorded on Ipswich Museum Card. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 224 Findspot of 2 Bronze-Age bronze palstaves (Poorly Located Find Spot)Two bronze palstaves now in Norwich Museum. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: WLD 004 Round Barrow on Waldringfield Heath (Monument)A Round Barrow on Waldringfield Heath is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. Scheduled Monument.
Monument record: BGL 020 Ring ditch of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)? Ring ditch circa 53m diameter.