Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 031 Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin of Cunobelinus. (Find Spot)Gold 1/4 stater of Cunobelinus, obverse CAMV divided by ear of corn, reverse horse prancing to right, palm branch above, CV(NO) below. Found whilst metal detecting.
Monument record: MRM 028 OS Field 1368 (Med) (Monument)Scatter of pottery, most concentrated alongside lane on N edge of area, found during fieldwalking survey.
Monument record: MRM 010 Spratts Plantation (SE) (Monument)Two sherds of rim, found in SE corner on edge of wood.
Monument record: MRM 023 Notcutts Nursery (Neo) (Monument)Neo flints, including tranchet, oblique and leaf arrowheads, blades, small scrapers, cores (S1)(S3).
Monument record: MRM 211 Neolithic flint axe, Blood Field (Poorly Located Find Spot)Flint axe, edge ground. Found in a field known as Blood Field (location not known), several axes, arrowheads have been found. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 215 Findspot of a Bronze-Age perforated stone axe-hammer (Poorly Located Find Spot)Perforated stone axe-hammer. Recorded in Ipswich Museum Card. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 219 Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze flanged axe (Poorly Located Find Spot)Bronze axe, flanged, palstave type, rudimentary stop ridge, no loop. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: SUT 001 Barrow cemetery northwest of Bussock Woods or Barn. (Monument)Group of five, possibly seven round barrows, scheduled in two areas.
Monument record: NBN 011 Possible Bronze-Age ring ditch. (Monument)Possible ring ditch, now in Hemley parish
Monument record: MRM 242 Field Barn: Unnamed Field Barn (Farmstead)An unnamed field barn is visible on the 1st Ed Os Map. The field barn sits alongside a private track in an isolated location. The barn has been completely lost.