Site Event/Activity record ESF19743 - Monitoring, The Priory, Blythburgh
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Location | BLB 070. The Priory, Blythburgh |
Grid reference | Centred TM 4519 7534 (3m by 3m) |
Map sheet | TM47NE |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service
Not recorded.
A single storey extension to the rear of The Priory, Blythburgh (TM 4519 7534, BLB 070), required a programme of archaeological monitoring to be undertaken. The property is located within the village of Blythburgh, a settlement of probable Saxon origin, and was constructed in a number of phases. A medieval chapel, sits at the west side, with a 17th century farmhouse, a rebuilt 15th century timber framed property, and early 20th century additions making up the remainder of the house. A small ruined medieval priory is located in the gardens. The extension required footings that were hand dug and inspected during and after excavation. Part of a human burial, thought to be at least late medieval or post medieval in date, was encountered at the base of the footing, beneath a layer of 19th century pottery and waste. This was re-covered and left in situ, as the whole body could not be exposed without further excavation, and would not be directly affected by the subsequent raft foundations. No medieval evidence was revealed, despite the location of the site in relation to the priory and the church
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous Yes, Future Not known
Associated Identifiers:
Sitecode BLB 070
HER event no. BLB 070
Planning Application No. C/07/1571
NMR No. 1492247
Project Type: Recording project
Investigation Type: Watching Brief
Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPG16
Site status: Listed Building, Scheduled Monument (SM), Local Authority Designated Archaeological Area
Current Land use: Other 5 - Garden
Monument Type(s)/Period(s): GRAVE Post Medieval
Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): POTTERY Post Medieval , HUMAN REMAINS Post Medieval
Area 10.00 Square metres
Grid Reference: TM45197534 Point
Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body
Design originator: R Carr
Director/Manager: John Newman
Supervisor: Clare Good
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: BLB 070
Contents: Ceramics, other
Media: Text
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: BLB 070
Contents: other
Media: Unpublished Text, Research, General Notes, Context sheet, Correspondence, Drawing, Miscellaneous Material, Notebook - Excavation
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: BLB 070
Contents: Ceramics
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: BLB 070. The Priory, Blythburgh
Author(s)/Editor(s): Good, C.
Other Bibliographic Details: 2007/214
Date: 2007
Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS
Place of Issue or Publication: SCCAS
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF55285 Unpublished document: Good C. 2007. Archaeological Monitoring Report, The Priory, Blythburgh.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- BLB 070 The Priory (Monument)
Record last edited
Jan 21 2014 9:55AM