Site Event/Activity record ESF20591 - Evaluation - Land adjacent to Carsons Drive, Great Cornard

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Location Land adjacent to Carsons Drive
Grid reference Centred TL 8963 4036 (517m by 663m)
Map sheet TL84SE



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



An archaeological evaluation was carried out on land adjacent to Carsons Drive, Great Cornard between the 14th September 2009 and the 23rd September 2009. The work was carried out prior to the submitting of a planning application for housing development, the site is currently arable farmland. 79 linear trenches were excavated across the development area. A small number of archaeological features were encountered including 4 pits, a large hollow possibly forming the remnant of a prehistoric pond barrow, post-medieval boundary features and debris associated with post-medieval tile production. Although there is some evidence to suggest that the highest areas of the undulating site had suffered erosion of the land surface due to ploughing, most of the site was under sufficient topsoil and or subsoil coverage to prevent significant medieval or later plough damage. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future Yes Associated Identifiers: Sitecode COG 029 Planning Application No. 2007_Pre_Persimmons NMR No. 1526697 Project Type: Field evaluation Development Type: Rural residential Methods and Techniques: Sample Trenches Position in the Planning Process: Pre-application Reason for Investigation: Planning condition Site status: None Current Land use: Cultivated Land 3 - Operations to a depth more than 0.25m Monument Type(s)/Period(s): HOLLOW Roman, BOUNDARIES Post Medieval , PITS Uncertain, TILE KILN DEBRIS Post Medieval Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): CBM Post Medieval , ANIMAL BONE Uncertain, METALWORK Roman, CBM Roman, POTTERY Early Medieval , METALWORK Early Medieval , POTTERY Late Prehistoric, POTTERY Roman PROJECT LOCATION Area 12.71 Hectares Grid Reference: TL89694037 Point Height 35.00 - 62.00 metres PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: Jess Tipper Director/Manager: Andrew Tester Supervisor: Liz Muldowney DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: COG 029 Contents: none Media: Database, GIS, Geophysics, Images raster / digital photography, Images vector, Spreadsheets, Survey, Text PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: COG 029 Contents: none Media: General Notes, Photograph, Plan, Report, Section, Survey, Unpublished Text, Context sheet, Correspondence, Drawing, Map, Notebook - Excavation, Research PHYSICAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: COG 029 Contents: Animal Bones, Ceramics, Environmental, Metal, Wood, Worked stone/lithics BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: COG 029 Land adjacent to Carsons Drive, Great Cornard Author(s)/Editor(s): Muldowney, E Other Bibliographic Details: 2009/229 Date: 2009 Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS Place of Issue or Publication: Suffolk Description: A4 report spiral bound with white card covers, contains 17 full page colour figures (16 @ A4, 1 @ A3), and 1 colour plate.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Muldowney, E.. 2009. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Land adjacent to Carsons Drive, Great Cornard, COG 029.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Land adjacent to Carsons Drive (Monument)

Record last edited

Aug 16 2022 12:25PM

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