Site Event/Activity record ESF21135 - Evaluation - Windsor Circle RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell (second phase)

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Location Windsor Circle evaluation second phase
Grid reference Centred TL 7304 8008 (173m by 150m)
Map sheet TL78SW



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



This report is to be read as an appendix to SCCAS Report 2011/001 which describes the results of an archaeological evaluation at Windsor Circle, RAF Lakenheath in November 2010. Several areas of the site were unavailable for trial trenching at that time, due to the presence of live services, trees, occupied houses and a children's playground, and so the report stated that additional trenching was still required in certain areas prior to re-development of the housing estate. With the commencement of the demolition of the estate most of these areas became available and an additional 17 trenches were excavated from 7th-8th March 2011 by John Craven and Andrew Beverton from SCCAS Field Team. These trenches were placed to investigate the central area of the site, which was formerly a grassed area with children's play equipment and along house frontages. Trenches were placed to infill gaps in the original trench plan and further define the extent of two areas of archaeological interest previously identified to the north and east. Only one definite feature was uncovered, which was an undated ditch. Three further possible pits/postholes were recorded, as well as a possible layer, although all of these may have been naturally formed features. No finds were recovered.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Craven, J,. 2011. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Windsor Circle RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell, ERL 213.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Windsor Circle, RAF Lakenheath (Preh) (Monument)

Record last edited

Dec 7 2022 10:44AM

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