Site Event/Activity record ESF21648 - Monitoring at Bures CEVCP School, Bures St Mary

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Location Bures CEVCP School
Grid reference Centred TL 9094 3391 (69m by 19m)
Map sheet TL93SW



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


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Monitoring of strip foundations for the erection of a new annex to existing school and a large soakaway. Initially, the entire footprint of the new building was reduced by c. 0.5m. This involved the removal of part of a thick deposit of brown sandy silt, interpreted as hillwash. The footings were then cut from the reduced level to a depth of 1m revealing a natural subsoil, which comprised a clean yellow/oramge sand and gravel at a depth of 0.4m (0.9m from the original ground surface. Excavations for a large soakaway/attenuation tank (c. 5m x 5m and 1.5m deep) were also inspected which revealed a similar soil profile. A late 19th/early 20th wall footing was seen and is marked on the 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map but no other archaeological features were noted (S1)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Sommers, M.. 2012. Archaeological Monitoring Report, Bures CEVCP School, Bures St Mary.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Negative monitoring Bures CEVCP School, Bures St. Mary (Revoked Record)

Record last edited

Feb 2 2018 3:35PM

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