Site Event/Activity record ESF22635 - Monitoring at Radford House, No.54 St John's Street, Bury St Edmunds

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Location Radford House, 54 St John’s Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
Grid reference Centred TL 8529 6469 (12m by 9m)
Map sheet TL86SE



Norvic Archaeology


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Norvic Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological monitoring of groundworks associated with the construction of a cartlodge at the rear of No.54 St John's Street, Bury St Edmunds (Planning Ref. SE/12/1641/HHLBCA and APP/E3525/D/13/2197423). Natural sand was revealed at a depth of 1.6m at the eastern end of the footings and 1.25m in the western corner of the footings trench. This was a very soft and fine pale-yellow sand which appeared to be aeolian rather than fluvial in nature. Above the natural was a soft, mid orangey brown silty sand with occasional stones and rare flecks of charcoal lower subsoil between 0.15m and 0.3m in depth. The upper subsoil was 0.5m-0.6m deep subsoil was recorded from which post-medieval pottery was collected. The upper most soil horizon was a 19th-20th century sandy loam flecked by chalk, brick and mortar. It measured c.0.3m deep and was sealed below 0.2m of modern makeup (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Emery, G.. 2014. Archaeological Monitoring Report, Radford House, No.54 St John's Street, Bury St Edmunds.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Medieval pit, Radford House, No. 54 St John's Street (Monument)

Record last edited

Aug 22 2022 4:33PM

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