Site Event/Activity record ESF22801 - Excavation - Leiston Substation 132kv cable route, Sizewell

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Location LCS 150 Leiston Substation 132kv cable route Assessment
Grid reference Centred TM 4711 6264 (213m by 124m)
Map sheet TM46SE



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



An open area excavation of 3,700sqm was completed at Sizewell, in advance of laying underground 132kv cables between the site of the substation for the Greater Gabbard Windfarm and the Sizewell Power Station. The proposed cables were to be laid along the route using a combination of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and, wherever possible, converntional open trenches. The cable trenches were to be excavated within a working corridor 20m wider which was to be stripped of the topsoil. The site lay in an arable field and archaeological deposits or the natural geology were visible following removal of the ploughsoil. 109 cut features were recorded across the entire area of the excavation with particular concentrations over the eastern half, and less so, the west end. The site, together with the neighbouring excavations (LCS148), has provided a relatively large sample across several medieval plots (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Breen, A., Gill, D. and Goffin, R.. 2014. Post-Excavation Assessment Report, Leiston Substation 132kv Cable Route , Sizewell.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Medieval Settlement at Sizewell, Leiston (Monument)

Record last edited

Apr 13 2018 1:23PM

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