Context |
Record |
Event Type |
Event Type |
ESF21961 Excavation, Wangford Quarry Covert Extension, 1st Phase (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21194 Excavation: Chapel Road, Carlton Colville (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15368 60 Acre Field Archaeological Assessment (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18059 60 Acre Field, Operations Group Complex (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20101 7 The Highlands, Exning. Excavation (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF21205 7, The Highlands, Exning (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23170 ACA excavations at Dunwich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19346 Adjacent building 941 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18860 Aldeburgh & Dist Local Hist Soc, trenched excavation, 2004 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21686 An Archaeological Excavation at Thistley Green, West Row (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21828 Analysis of metalwork from a burnt reconstructed grubenhaus, West Stow Saxon Village (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20673 Antrim House, Haughley (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18971 Archaeological evaluation and monitoring along route of Tuddenham-Playford Rising Main by SCCAS, 1993. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15829 Archaeological Evaluation at Church Road, Barningham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15953 Archaeological Evaluation- 51 High Street, Debenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25654 Archaeological Excavation at Land opposite 18-30A Aldeburgh Road (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28376 Archaeological Intervention Wangford Warren Habitat Creation Scheme, Phase 3 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26712 Archaeological Monitoring at 59 College Street, Bury St Edmunds (BSE 419) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20826 Archaeological Survey, Naunton Hall, Rendlesham (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF19215 Atfield, R (SCCAS) monitoring trenches (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28811 Beeches Pit, 2022 excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21084 Biogas Plant, Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18066 Boreham W W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19203 Boulter S, SCCAS 2000/48 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21095 Boulter, S (SCCAS) Evaluation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19437 British Museum, 1940s or 1950s (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20121 Building Survey and Evaluation Excavation, St. Nicholas Church, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19229 c. 5m square soil strip by G Burroughes to record ... (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15765 Caruth J , SAU, Excavation 1994 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19645 Caruth J (SCCAS), trenched excavation, 2006 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18353 Casual Observation? Cox Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 3406). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24084 Casual Observations, Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24085 Casual Observations, Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20996 Chilton Development Main Reinforcement Pipeline Scheme (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20442 Clare Primary School, Clare (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26609 Coninuous Archaeological Monitoring: 4 Crown Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19651 Craven J, SCCAS excavation 2007/087 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19712 Craven J, SCCAS excavation 2008/022 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21589 Crucible analysis from, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF21008 Culford School Air Tennis Court (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24802 Deposit, St. Stephen's Church, Ipswich, (IAS 3203). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24879 Deposit, 15-17 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5502). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24885 Deposit, 2 Bridge Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6202). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25011 Deposit, 333a - 389 Bramford Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7931). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24711 Deposit, 6-10 Arcade Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1804). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24789 Deposit, Cecelia Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5001). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF28338 Deposit, Chalkpit, Fakenham No.2, Newport's, (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF28330 Deposit, East Farm, Barnham, Area III (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF28329 Deposit, East Farm, Barnham, Area VI (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF27244 Deposit, Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25179 Deposit, Fore Street (Star Lane), Ipswich, (IAS 5902). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24692 Deposit, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich, (IAS 9303). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF27897 Deposit, Former Sugar Beet Factory, Sproughton (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25177 Deposit, Foundation Street (Cranfield’s car park), Ipswich, (IAS 5801). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF23629 Deposit, Foundation Street and Former School Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4801, IAS 4802) (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25137 Deposit, Franciscan Way/Wolsey Street, Greyfriars Precinct, Ipswich, (IAS 5003) (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25138 Deposit, Franciscan Way/Wolsey Street, Greyfriars Precinct, Ipswich, (IAS 5003) (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25090 Deposit, Gainsborough Sports and Community Centre, Braziers Wood Road, Ipswich. (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25180 Deposit, Greyfriars Road (Island Site), Ipswich, (IAS 5204). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25025 Deposit, Land adjacent to 1 Cobbold Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8520). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25026 Deposit, Land adjacent to 1 Cobbold Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8520). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF27642 Deposit, Lavenham Brickyard, Lavenham, (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF27926 Deposit, Little Lodge Farm Gravel Pits, Including White's pit, (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF25153 Deposit, Lower Brook Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5505). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24691 Deposit, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich. (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24703 Deposit, Old Foundry Road, Ipswich, (IAS 1501). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24622 Deposit, Old Valley Brick Pit, Foxhall Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8903). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF28340 Deposit, Pit C, Boulder Clay Pit, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24739 Deposit, Shire Hall Yard, Ipswich, (IAS 6904). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24854 Deposit, Site of Former Oxborrows Hotel, St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 2902). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24741 Deposit, Smart Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5701). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24989 Deposit, St. Helen’s Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8804). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24713 Deposit, St. Lawrence Church, Ipswich, (IAS 2501). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24745 Deposit, St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5203). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF27441 Deposit, Stanchil's Farm, Hengrave (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF23570 Deposit, Turret Lane School, Ipswich, (IAS 4302). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24652 Deposit, Vernon Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7402). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24996 Deposit, Western Triangle (former Cranfield’s Mill garage), Star Lane/College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5804). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24997 Deposit, Western Triangle (former Cranfield’s Mill garage), Star Lane/College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5804). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24998 Deposit, Western Triangle (former Cranfield’s Mill garage), Star Lane/College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5804). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24737 Deposit, Wingfield Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4601). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF24738 Deposit, Wingfield Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4601). (Archaeological Deposit) |
Event Type |
ESF21723 Desk Based Assessment - Barham Quarry, Barham (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF28807 Devereux's Pit, Icklingham Brick Pit, Icklingham, 2021 excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28808 Devereux's Pit, Icklingham Brick Pit, Icklingham, 2022 excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19162 Duane Reilly excavation May 1999, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28809 East Farm Brick Pit, Barnham, 2021 excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28810 East Farm Brick Pit, Barnham, 2022 excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15230 Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15297 Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15224 Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15476 Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15477 Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19075 Eval. and exc. for moat re-creation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15776 Evaluation - Angel Lane, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24912 Evaluation - Areas 1 & 2, Land East of Moreton Hall, Great Barton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15369 Evaluation - Brandon Remembrance Playing Fields, Brandon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24558 Evaluation - Houldsworth Valley Community Primary School (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15714 Evaluation - Moat Farmhouse, Dennington (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15204 Evaluation - Square House Hotel, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15579 Evaluation - The Old Maltings, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18384 Evaluation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15363 Evaluation & Excavation by SAU (Boulter S), Sept 1992 - Nov 1993 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24190 Evaluation + Excavation - Land west of Pine Dell and Ashcroft, London Road, Capel St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26592 Evaluation and Excavation - Land at High Road, Trimley St Martin (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19635 Evaluation and Excavation - EDF Thetford grid substation, Barnham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24815 Evaluation and Excavation - School Farm, Church Road, Cratfield (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28560 Evaluation and excavation, Adastral Park, Martlesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20929 Evaluation and Excavation, 30 Acre Field, Adjacent to Building 163 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20145 Evaluation and Excavation, 333a - 389 Bramford Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7931). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20517 Evaluation and Excavation, Eastgate Barns Area A, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21857 Evaluation and excavation, Farm Reservoir at Rushmere Hall, Rushmere, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18797 Evaluation and excavation, the Sandpits, Lakenheath, 2002 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20434 Evaluation and excavation, West Row Primary School (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23805 Evaluation and Excavation, Western Triangle (former Cranfield’s Mill garage), Star Lane/College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5804). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26296 Evaluation and Mitigation - Land south of Chapelwent Road, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21803 Evaluation at All Saints Church, Great Ashfield (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18312 Evaluation excavation - Davison S, 1999 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19603 Evaluation trenches, Freston Tower (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18037 Evaluation trenching and excavation, Carlton Park, 1998 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19649 Evaluation trenching followed by open-area excavation, 2002 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23789 Evaluation, Eastern Triangle, Ipswich, (IAS 5903). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21794 Evaluation, Excavation and Watching Brief - Britten-Pears Library, Aldeburgh (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15867 Evaluation, Lovetofts Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 8122). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22381 Evaluation, Moat Farm, High Street, Thorndon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20520 Evaluation, Monitoring, Excavation - Land Adjacent to 107 Northgate Street (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19633 Evaluation, Well Cottage, Mallets Lane, Orford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15043 Excavated by ? Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15560 Excavated by ? Jeffery Miss J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15083 Excavated by ?IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18025 Excavated by (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15484 Excavated by Aldeburgh Literary Society (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15485 Excavated by Aldeburgh Literary Society (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15703 Excavated by Allen A & Charge B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15303 Excavated by Allsop W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15780 Excavated by Anon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16092 Excavated by Anon (RAF) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15015 Excavated by Appleyard Rev (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15252 Excavated by Arden-Jones Dr (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15300 Excavated by Armer A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15301 Excavated by Armer A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15427 Excavated by Armstead J B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14976 Excavated by Ashbee P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14977 Excavated by Ashbee P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16070 Excavated by Ashbee P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15330 Excavated by Bacon S & Fenwick V (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15143 Excavated by Baden Powell D F W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15000 Excavated by Baker Miss M, Oxborrow G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15672 Excavated by Blagg T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14764 Excavated by Blood K (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15191 Excavated by Brisco Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15895 Excavated by Brisco, Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14863 Excavated by Briscoe G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14838 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14843 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14844 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14864 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14865 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14869 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14873 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14875 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14878 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14880 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14897 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14903 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14940 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15025 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15141 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15156 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15190 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15524 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15533 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15556 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15620 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15622 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16005 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16014 Excavated by Briscoe Lady G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15068 Excavated by Briscoe T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15177 Excavated by Briscoe T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15465 Excavated by Brown & Compton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14898 Excavated by Brown & Watson (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14744 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14745 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14750 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14751 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14752 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14754 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14757 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14759 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14760 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14774 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14775 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14776 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14777 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14778 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14779 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14781 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14782 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14783 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14784 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14785 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14786 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14787 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14788 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14789 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14790 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14791 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14792 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14794 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14795 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14796 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14797 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14798 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14799 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14800 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14801 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14802 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14805 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14815 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14817 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14818 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14820 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14821 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14822 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14823 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14824 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14825 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14854 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14855 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14876 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14879 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14906 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14942 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14974 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14975 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14984 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14985 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14986 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14988 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14989 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14999 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15024 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15057 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15074 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15077 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15093 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15101 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15124 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15168 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15172 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15228 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15314 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15433 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15438 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15473 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15475 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15486 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15497 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15498 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15513 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15528 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15558 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15599 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15600 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15602 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15687 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15701 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15771 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15778 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15806 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15807 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15815 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15832 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15833 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15843 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15846 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15852 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15963 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15996 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16001 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16016 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16020 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16033 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16046 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16101 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16107 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16124 Excavated by Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16056 Excavated by Brown B & Kilner G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14758 Excavated by Brown B & Landymore K (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14763 Excavated by Brown B & Landymore K (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15810 Excavated by Brown B & Landymore K (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15441 Excavated by Brown B & Landymore K (trial) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14872 Excavated by Brown B & Mace D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15241 Excavated by Brown B & Page S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15696 Excavated by Brown B & Page S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15221 Excavated by Brown B & Prentice T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15844 Excavated by Brown B & Simpson (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15207 Excavated by Brown B & Spencer H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16131 Excavated by Brown B & West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15840 Excavated by Brown B and Canell F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15818 Excavated by Brown B and Phillips C W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16103 Excavated by Brown B and Phillips C W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15014 Excavated by Brown B et al (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14766 Excavated by Brown B, Blake J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14804 Excavated by Brown B, Flowerdew & Towshend (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15855 Excavated by Brown B, Smedley N, Owles E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14803 Excavated by Brown B, Smedley N, West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14756 Excavated by Brown B, Watson J, Doe T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15930 Excavated by Brown B, Wimbolt S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14765 Excavated by Brown, Cross, Watson & Mace (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14767 Excavated by Brown, Cross, Watson & Mace (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14768 Excavated by Brown, Cross, Watson & Mace (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14833 Excavated by Bruce Mitford & Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16105 Excavated by Bruce Mitford R and Ashbee P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16151 Excavated by Bruce Mitford R and Ashbee P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14963 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14982 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15039 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15040 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15322 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15356 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15527 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15955 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15995 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16054 Excavated by BSEMH (Edwardson A R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16099 Excavated by Bull L J, Carter W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15748 Excavated by Bull M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15847 Excavated by Bunbury Sir H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16109 Excavated by Bunbury Sir H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16153 Excavated by Bunbury Sir H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15023 Excavated by Burroughes G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16122 Excavated by Burroughes G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15196 Excavated by Burrows-Ellis R & J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15197 Excavated by Burrows-Ellis R & J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15198 Excavated by Burrows-Ellis R & J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15201 Excavated by Burrows-Ellis R & J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15082 Excavated by Bushnell G H S & Cra'ster M D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15345 Excavated by Cadogan Earl (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15430 Excavated by Cadogan Earl (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15070 Excavated by Campbell C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15227 Excavated by Campbell C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15724 Excavated by Campbell J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15038 Excavated by Campen M J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15443 Excavated by Cardew Rev G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15444 Excavated by Cardew Rev G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15445 Excavated by Cardew Rev G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15446 Excavated by Cardew Rev G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15447 Excavated by Cardew Rev G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15453 Excavated by Cardew Rev G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15505 Excavated by Carr R D & Hardy M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16102 Excavated by Carver M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16158 Excavated by Carver M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16159 Excavated by Carver M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16170 Excavated by Carver M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16171 Excavated by Carver M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14856 Excavated by Caton L L F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14857 Excavated by Caton L L F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15766 Excavated by Caton L L F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15026 Excavated by Caton Mrs (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16022 Excavated by Cawdor & Fox (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15732 Excavated by Chick Air Commodore J S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15722 Excavated by Chick J (Air Comm) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14948 Excavated by Chick J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14922 Excavated by Chick J Commodore (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15764 Excavated by Churchyard I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16015 Excavated by Clark J D G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15327 Excavated by Clarke R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16042 Excavated by Clarke R R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16043 Excavated by Clarke R R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14987 Excavated by Clarke W G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16057 Excavated by Coad J G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15488 Excavated by Coddenham Local History Group (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15169 Excavated by Colchester R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15359 Excavated by Comber A G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15374 Excavated by Compton D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15148 Excavated by Compton D (Ixworth School) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15034 Excavated by Corbishley M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15035 Excavated by Corbishley M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15036 Excavated by Corbishley M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15328 Excavated by Corbishley M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15637 Excavated by Crocker A J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16157 Excavated by Danks P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14847 Excavated by Darrah R & Murphy P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14941 Excavated by Denny & Creasey (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15834 Excavated by Denny W & Creasy (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15940 Excavated by Dick Major (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15460 Excavated by Dickinson J C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16096 Excavated by Dickinson P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16061 Excavated by Dickinson P G M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15517 Excavated by DOE (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15639 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15641 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15145 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15640 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15642 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15643 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15644 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15645 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15646 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15767 Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R} (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15770 Excavated by DOE (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16027 Excavated by DOE (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15769 Excavated by DOE (West S E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16075 Excavated by DOE (West S E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15387 Excavated by DoE/HBMC (Fleming A J & Woods H M) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15388 Excavated by DoE/HBMC (Fleming A J & Woods H M) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15670 Excavated by Dr N Heard (Sudbury High School) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15350 Excavated by Durbidge P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15598 Excavated by Durbidge P (LALHS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15726 Excavated by Durbidge P (LALHS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15731 Excavated by Durbidge P (LALHS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15042 Excavated by Edwardson (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16025 Excavated by Edwardson (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15205 Excavated by Edwardson A R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15954 Excavated by Edwardson A R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16026 Excavated by Edwardson A R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16094 Excavated by Edwardson A R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16149 Excavated by Edwardson A R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15058 Excavated by Elmhirst L (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16132 Excavated by Erskine R, West S E & Green R (villa (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15442 Excavated by Fairweather F H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15842 Excavated by Fairweather F H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15563 Excavated by Felgate T M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15680 Excavated by Felixstowe Archaeological Movement (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15135 Excavated by Fenland Research Committee, Clark J G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15136 Excavated by Fenland Research Committee, Clark J G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16040 Excavated by Fenwick V (Burley Excavation Group) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15206 Excavated by Fenwick V (Butley Excavation Group) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15208 Excavated by Fenwick V (Butley Excavation Group) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15065 Excavated by Filmer-Sankey W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15163 Excavated by Filmer-Sankey W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16100 Excavated by Filmer-Sankey W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14714 Excavated by Flemming J M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15603 Excavated by Flemming J M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15697 Excavated by Ford Sidney (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15414 Excavated by Fowler G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15059 Excavated by Freeman C, Buxhall Vale. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15859 Excavated by Fulcher D & Bradley P (IMDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14834 Excavated by Fulcher J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15691 Excavated by Fulcher J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15692 Excavated by Fulcher J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14877 Excavated by Gadsby D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15685 Excavated by Gage Sir T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15084 Excavated by Gale C H & Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15816 Excavated by Gardner T H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16038 Excavated by Graham A, Gordon C & Gell A S R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16130 Excavated by Graham A, Gordon C & Gell A S R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15403 Excavated by Gray H St G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15041 Excavated by Green H T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15232 Excavated by Green H T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14842 Excavated by Green H T & Clarke R R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15231 Excavated by Green Reverend H T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16086 Excavated by Greenfield E (MOW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14991 Excavated by Greenwell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14845 Excavated by Greenwell W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15061 Excavated by Greenwell W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15062 Excavated by Greenwell W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15063 Excavated by Greenwell W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15686 Excavated by Greenwell W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16093 Excavated by Greenwell W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15553 Excavated by Grimes W F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16084 Excavated by Grubb E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15693 Excavated by Hales T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15110 Excavated by Halesworth Museum (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15111 Excavated by Halesworth Museum (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15112 Excavated by Halesworth Museum (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15113 Excavated by Halesworth Museum (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15114 Excavated by Halesworth Museum (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15121 Excavated by Halesworth Museum (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15272 Excavated by Halesworth Museum (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15695 Excavated by Harding J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15663 Excavated by Hardy M & Burroughes G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15664 Excavated by Hardy M & Burroughes G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14827 Excavated by Hardy M J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15440 Excavated by Harris P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15812 Excavated by Harrod H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15694 Excavated by HDAG (Charge B) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15615 Excavated by HDAG (Danks P) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15310 Excavated by HDAG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15683 Excavated by Henslow J H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14973 Excavated by Henslow Prof J H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15729 Excavated by Hope St John Sir W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15552 Excavated by Howlett T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15762 Excavated by Howlett T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15763 Excavated by Howlett T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15699 Excavated by Howlett T & Avent R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15648 Excavated by Hughes T M, Jennings J & C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14937 Excavated by Hurst A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15311 Excavated by Ingate J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14742 Excavated by Inskip R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15080 Excavated by IPSMG (Balkwill C) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16108 Excavated by IPSMG (Brown B, Spencer H E P & West (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15073 Excavated by IPSMG (Brown B) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15949 Excavated by IPSMG (Brown B) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15872 Excavated by IPSMG (E J Owles & N Smedley) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14710 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14746 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14747 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14748 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14749 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14753 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14755 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14892 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14996 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14997 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15032 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15033 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15079 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15094 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15095 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15164 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15166 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15167 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15214 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15215 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15379 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15471 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15472 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15478 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15496 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15503 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15522 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15537 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15671 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15752 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15753 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15754 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15755 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15757 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15758 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15759 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15801 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15809 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15811 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15817 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15858 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15865 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15920 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15960 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15961 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15962 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16064 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16136 Excavated by IPSMG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15737 Excavated by IPSMG (Maynard G & Spencer H E P) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14949 Excavated by IPSMG (Maynard G) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15536 Excavated by IPSMG (Moir J R & Maynard G) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15415 Excavated by IPSMG (Owles E & Smedley N) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16034 Excavated by IPSMG (Owles E & Smedley N) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15265 Excavated by IPSMG (Owles E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15562 Excavated by IPSMG (Owles E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15772 Excavated by IPSMG (Owles E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15504 Excavated by IPSMG (Smedley N & Owles E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15022 Excavated by IPSMG (Smedley N & West S E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16041 Excavated by IPSMG (Smedley N, ?Owles E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16063 Excavated by IPSMG (Smedley N, Owles E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15479 Excavated by IPSMG (Smedley N) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15069 Excavated by IPSMG (Spencer H E P) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15684 Excavated by IPSMG (Spencer H E P) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15382 Excavated by IPSMG (West S E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15412 Excavated by IPSMG (Young S E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15821 Excavated by IPSMG, Owles E; Smedley N (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14713 Excavated by Ipswich & District Field Club (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15001 Excavated by Ipswich & District Field Club (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15002 Excavated by Ipswich & District Field Club (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15426 Excavated by Ipswich School (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16097 Excavated by Ipswich Scientific Society (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16087 Excavated by Johnston D E & Gerrard J (Cambs Archa (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16021 Excavated by Jones Reverend H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14867 Excavated by Keeble J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14862 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14926 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14928 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14934 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14935 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14936 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14953 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15186 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15188 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15189 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15195 Excavated by Kelly Col T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15193 Excavated by King J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15194 Excavated by King J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15108 Excavated by Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16053 Excavated by Knocker G M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15491 Excavated by Knocker Group Captain G M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15544 Excavated by Knocker Group Captain G M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20769 Excavated by landowner (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15988 Excavated by Layard N (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14861 Excavated by Leaf (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14932 Excavated by Leaf (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15151 Excavated by Leaf C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14930 Excavated by Leaf C S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14931 Excavated by Leaf C S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14933 Excavated by Leaf C S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14970 Excavated by Leaf C S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15153 Excavated by Leaf C S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15154 Excavated by Leaf C S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14772 Excavated by Lethbridge (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14925 Excavated by Lethbridge T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15676 Excavated by Lethbridge T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14773 Excavated by Lethbridge T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14839 Excavated by Lethbridge T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15434 Excavated by Lethbridge T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15621 Excavated by Lethbridge T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15987 Excavated by Lethbridge T C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15170 Excavated by Lindsey M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15779 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16018 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16019 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16128 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16129 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16138 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16163 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16165 Excavated by Longworth I and Kinnes I (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15854 Excavated by Low C W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16115 Excavated by Low C W & Badham F A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15841 Excavated by MacMaster (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14947 Excavated by Macrae F B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15521 Excavated by Mann R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15559 Excavated by Mann R (Felixstowe Archaeol Movement) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15561 Excavated by Mann R (Felixstowe Archaeol Movement) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15735 Excavated by Mann R (Felixstowe Archaeological Mov (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15229 Excavated by Martin E A & Balkwill C J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15236 Excavated by Martin E A & Balkwill C J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14828 Excavated by Martin E A, Murphy P & Pendleton C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15734 Excavated by Martin E/Fieldman H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15721 Excavated by Maynard G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15839 Excavated by Maynard G et al (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14841 Excavated by Mildenhall Archaeol Soc (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15007 Excavated by Moir J R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15011 Excavated by Moir J R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15718 Excavated by Moir J R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15725 Excavated by Moir J R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14994 Excavated by Moor Major E C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14995 Excavated by Moor Major E C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15380 Excavated by Moor Major E C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15381 Excavated by Moor Major E C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16035 Excavated by Morley R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14883 Excavated by Morley R & Brown D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14884 Excavated by Morley R & Brown D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15218 Excavated by Moss G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15064 Excavated by Mrs R B Caton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14958 Excavated by Myers C S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15572 Excavated by NWHCM (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14826 Excavated by Oak-Rhind H & Wade K (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15542 Excavated by Owles E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15774 Excavated by Owles E/Collingwood B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15814 Excavated by Page S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15506 Excavated by Paine C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14740 Excavated by Paine C R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14743 Excavated by Painter (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14972 Excavated by Paley, Ampton Hall. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14909 Excavated by Pendleton C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15150 Excavated by Pendleton C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15157 Excavated by Pendleton C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15123 Excavated by Penning Mr (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15608 Excavated by Petersen F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15950 Excavated by Peterson F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15176 Excavated by Pocock D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14919 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14921 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14938 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14950 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14960 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14969 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14971 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15239 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15538 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15964 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15991 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15992 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15993 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16058 Excavated by Prigg H (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15413 Excavated by Pye A (Lowestoft Archaeol Soc) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14990 Excavated by Quayle (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15401 Excavated by Reid Moir J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15005 Excavated by Reid-Moir J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15012 Excavated by Reid-Moir J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15402 Excavated by Rendall M J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15733 Excavated by Rev C Brooke (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15313 Excavated by Richardson J M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15329 Excavated by Ridgard J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15566 Excavated by River Stour Trust, 1972 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15318 Excavated by Rivett Lawrence & Brown B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15736 Excavated by Roberts C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15132 Excavated by Roe P (Bungay Grammar School) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15133 Excavated by Roe P (Bungay Grammar School) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15649 Excavated by Russell Rev M, et al (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15120 Excavated by SAFG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16032 Excavated by SAFG (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15609 Excavated by SAU (AT & SA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15587 Excavated by SAU (AT, JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15178 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15216 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15250 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15271 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15276 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15286 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15294 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15295 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15326 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15405 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15406 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15407 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15468 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15515 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15547 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15571 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15594 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15595 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15614 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15618 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15668 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15742 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15922 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15974 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15975 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16076 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16123 Excavated by SAU (AT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16065 Excavated by SAU (Barrett D & SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15344 Excavated by SAU (Boulter S) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15362 Excavated by SAU (Boulter S) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15375 Excavated by SAU (Boulter S) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15830 Excavated by SAU (Boulter S) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15958 Excavated by SAU (Boulter S) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16083 Excavated by SAU (Boulter S) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15597 Excavated by SAU (CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15611 Excavated by SAU (CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15612 Excavated by SAU (CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15698 Excavated by SAU (CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15715 Excavated by SAU (CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15882 Excavated by SAU (CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15883 Excavated by SAU (CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15085 Excavated by SAU (Carr R D) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15086 Excavated by SAU (Carr R D) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15439 Excavated by SAU (Carr R D) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15492 Excavated by SAU (Carr R D) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15511 Excavated by SAU (Carr R D) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16024 Excavated by SAU (Carr R D) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15268 Excavated by SAU (Carter T) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15378 Excavated by SAU (Caruth J) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15568 Excavated by SAU (Caruth J) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15616 Excavated by SAU (Caruth J) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16081 Excavated by SAU (Caruth J) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15010 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15013 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15137 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15144 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15223 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15291 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15307 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15346 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15396 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15500 Excavated by SAU (CP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15420 Excavated by SAU (DG & JC)/ Henderson Mr (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15371 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15431 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15518 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15567 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15632 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15662 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15700 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15918 Excavated by SAU (DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16028 Excavated by SAU (EAM & RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16029 Excavated by SAU (EAM & RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15048 Excavated by SAU (Elmhirst L) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15049 Excavated by SAU (Elmhirst L) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15050 Excavated by SAU (Elmhirst L) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15051 Excavated by SAU (Elmhirst L) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15091 Excavated by SAU (Elmhirst L) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15092 Excavated by SAU (Elmhirst L) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15845 Excavated by SAU (Elmhirst L) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14992 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14993 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15028 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15029 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15046 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15047 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15060 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15103 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15104 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15105 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15106 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15174 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15175 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15242 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15243 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15244 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15245 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15262 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15263 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15264 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15267 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15316 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15321 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15451 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15481 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15546 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15557 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15569 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15656 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15682 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15730 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15739 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15773 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16003 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16074 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16167 Excavated by SAU (EM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14816 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14871 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14874 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14902 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14998 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15122 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15125 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15126 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15199 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15217 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15237 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15279 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15296 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15298 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15299 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15317 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15324 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15332 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15365 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15366 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15367 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15377 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15399 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15489 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15490 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15541 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15573 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15574 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15604 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15605 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15606 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15607 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15853 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15893 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15967 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16082 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16117 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16120 Excavated by SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15021 Excavated by SAU (Filmer-Sankey W) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15800 Excavated by SAU (Filmer-Sankey W) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15304 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15461 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15660 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15669 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15710 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15711 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15712 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15713 Excavated by SAU (JC & DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15302 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15309 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15320 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15483 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15487 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15709 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15741 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15768 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15868 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15869 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15870 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15871 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15931 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15941 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15951 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16150 Excavated by SAU (JC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15408 Excavated by SAU (JC/DG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15338 Excavated by SAU (JN & SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15339 Excavated by SAU (JN & SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15340 Excavated by SAU (JN & SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15076 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15096 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15097 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15098 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15139 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15155 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15200 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15212 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15213 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15219 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15225 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15269 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15270 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15278 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15305 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15337 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15351 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15373 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15389 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15390 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15448 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15449 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15520 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15530 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15531 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15532 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15564 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15578 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15581 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15793 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15794 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15795 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15796 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15797 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15861 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15894 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15907 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15908 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15927 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15928 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15985 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15986 Excavated by SAU (JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14761 Excavated by SAU (JP & JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15781 Excavated by SAU (JP & JN) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14900 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14901 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14904 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14968 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14979 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15037 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15054 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15055 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15127 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15128 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15146 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15147 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15149 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15281 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15282 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15283 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15331 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15355 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15409 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15617 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15750 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15760 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15837 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15838 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15968 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15989 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16052 Excavated by SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14907 Excavated by SAU (JP) & BSEMH (Owles E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14835 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14870 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14886 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14896 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14961 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15129 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15416 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15512 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15634 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15775 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15835 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15836 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15898 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15901 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15902 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15903 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15904 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15905 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15906 Excavated by SAU (KW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15636 Excavated by SAU (LE) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15222 Excavated by SAU (Loader T) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15630 Excavated by SAU (Loader T) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14837 Excavated by SAU (Martin E A) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15160 Excavated by SAU (Martin E A) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15161 Excavated by SAU (Martin E A) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15162 Excavated by SAU (Martin E A) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15549 Excavated by SAU (Martin E A) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14836 Excavated by SAU (Martin E and Feldman H) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14983 Excavated by SAU (Martin E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15066 Excavated by SAU (Martin E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15072 Excavated by SAU (Martin E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15738 Excavated by SAU (Martin E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15740 Excavated by SAU (Martin E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15969 Excavated by SAU (Martin E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15970 Excavated by SAU (Martin E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14964 Excavated by SAU (Mowat R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14965 Excavated by SAU (Mowat R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14966 Excavated by SAU (Mowat R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16017 Excavated by SAU (Mowat R) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15866 Excavated by SAU (MS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15932 Excavated by SAU (MS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15933 Excavated by SAU (MS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15978 Excavated by SAU (MS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15979 Excavated by SAU (MS) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15411 Excavated by SAU (Newman J) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15813 Excavated by SAU (Perry I & Hardy M) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15784 Excavated by SAU (Perry Miss I) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15360 Excavated by SAU (PWT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15361 Excavated by SAU (PWT) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14741 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14910 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14918 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14923 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14978 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15018 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15019 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15030 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15107 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15134 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15138 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15152 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15341 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15342 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15376 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15384 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15679 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15690 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15973 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16104 Excavated by SAU (RDC) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15519 Excavated by SAU (RM) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15717 Excavated by SAU (SB & CA) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15428 Excavated by SAU (SB & TL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15393 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15394 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15395 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15421 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15422 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15423 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15424 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15425 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15466 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15501 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15534 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15535 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15575 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15582 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15583 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15584 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15585 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15586 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15596 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15647 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15666 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15667 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15681 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15689 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15702 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15706 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15716 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15749 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15751 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15761 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15788 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15862 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15873 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15877 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15884 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15885 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15886 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15909 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15925 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15934 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15935 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15943 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15944 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15945 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15947 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15948 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15982 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15983 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16085 Excavated by SAU (SB) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15728 Excavated by SAU (SB), SCCAS Rep (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15044 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15045 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15140 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15158 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15347 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15348 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15349 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15410 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15539 Excavated by SAU (SEW) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16137 Excavated by SAU (SEW) & Sheffield University (Bar (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15957 Excavated by SAU (Sommers M) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15391 Excavated by SAU (Summers M) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15372 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15400 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15419 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15629 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15675 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15914 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15916 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15952 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16114 Excavated by SAU (TAL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15306 Excavated by SAU (TL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15308 Excavated by SAU (TL) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15887 Excavated by SAU (trial trench) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15075 Excavated by SAU (Wade K) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14967 Excavated by SAU (West S E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15053 Excavated by SAU (West S E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15312 Excavated by SAU & National Trust (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15976 Excavated by Saumarez Miss (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15008 Excavated by Scott-Elliot J (British Soc of Divine (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15056 Excavated by SEW (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15323 Excavated by SEW (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15437 Excavated by Sharpe W (or H), 1849 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15480 Excavated by SIA (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15900 Excavated by Sieveking G & Medway Lord (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15997 Excavated by Smedley & Brown (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15756 Excavated by Smedley N (IPSMG) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16125 Excavated by Smith A M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15965 Excavated by Smith A M et al (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15404 Excavated by St George Gray (part) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15325 Excavated by St Pauls School, London (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15493 Excavated by Storey F G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15494 Excavated by Storey F G (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14951 Excavated by Sturge W A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15994 Excavated by Suff Indust Archaeol Soc -Pankhurst C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15052 Excavated by Tarling J & Santry J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15619 Excavated by Taylor C C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15495 Excavated by Thrower (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15211 Excavated by Thrower & Long (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15635 Excavated by Thurley S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15470 Excavated by Tilbrook D & SAU (JP) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15514 Excavated by Todd J U (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14868 Excavated by Todd Lt Com R N (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15529 Excavated by Todd Lt Com R N (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15031 Excavated by Treherne J D W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15555 Excavated by Treherne J D W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16156 Excavated by Treherne J D W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15727 Excavated by Tricker Mr K (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14962 Excavated by Vatcher F de M & H L (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15545 Excavated by Vatcher F de M & H L (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15946 Excavated by Vatcher F de M & H L (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16051 Excavated by Ward Perkins J B (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15165 Excavated by Warner P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15454 Excavated by Warren J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14769 Excavated by Watson J, Landymore K (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14780 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14830 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15203 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15357 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15358 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15482 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15525 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15570 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15799 Excavated by West S E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16039 Excavated by West S E & Owles E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15808 Excavated by Wiley J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14920 Excavated by Wiseman Mr (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15631 Excavated by Woodard P (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15924 Excavated by Woodbridge Field Club (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15452 Excavated by yes (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25145 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 1 (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF25157 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 2 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25146 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 3 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18247 Excavation - Boulter S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24526 Excavation - Land to the east of Kings Warren, Red Lodge (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26524 Excavation - Land West of Ixworth Road, Thurston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24658 Excavation - 1 Duke Street, Haughely (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20560 Excavation - 15 Sicklesmere Road, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22641 Excavation - 17 Whiting Street Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23653 Excavation - 26 Bridewell Street, Clare (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25944 Excavation - 46-48 Woodcock Rise, Brandon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23894 Excavation - 7 Coastguard Cottages, Quay Street, Orford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22963 Excavation - 88 Guildhall Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20794 Excavation - Aldham Mill Hill, Hadleigh (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20518 Excavation - Angel Hotel, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21216 Excavation - Areas A and D, Land off Moulton Road, Newmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20063 Excavation - Athenaeum Toilet Block (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF18077 Excavation - Baddeley J per JP (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19965 Excavation - Barsham marshes, Barsham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22451 Excavation - Barsham to Alder Carr Pipeline Trench 33-36 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25784 Excavation - Beccles Southern Relief Road (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28932 Excavation - Bexwell to Bury SPA (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18154 Excavation - Boulter S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27584 Excavation - Boyton Meadows, Haverhill (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF15984 Excavation - Brambling, Badingham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25010 Excavation - Bramford Playing Field, Bramford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25882 Excavation - Calre Castle, Clare (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18192 Excavation - Camb Archaeol Unit (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26526 Excavation - Candlet Road, Felixstowe (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25101 Excavation - Car Park opposite Hospital, RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20638 Excavation - Cathedral Centre, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21871 Excavation - Cedar's Park, Phase 2, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21869 Excavation - Cedars Park, Stowmarket, Suffolk, Development Phase III (area E) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23000 Excavation - Chalk Hill Quarry, Barton Mills (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21493 Excavation - Cherry Tree Farm, Mellis Road, Wortham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22775 Excavation - Cherry Tree Inn (Phase 2), Debenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25001 Excavation - Clements Primary School, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26009 Excavation - Compartment 26, Beccles Marshes (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18298 Excavation - Creeting Churches Project (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18033 Excavation - Damant R (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26445 Excavation - Days Road, Capel St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18198 Excavation - DEO (Drewett PL) & Stuart I W (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19636 Excavation - Drovers Went, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25171 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 13 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25172 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 14 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25174 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 16 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25181 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 20, Land South of Great Bealings (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25182 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 21 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25183 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 22 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25186 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 25 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25187 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 26 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25190 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 28a, Land South of Martlesham Creek (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25191 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 29 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25193 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 31 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25194 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 32 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25195 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 33 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25196 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 34 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25198 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 36 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25201 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 38 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25203 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 39 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25202 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 40 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25487 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 41 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25488 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 42 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25161 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 5 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25489 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 50 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25164 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 7 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25166 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 8, Land North-West of St.Mary's Church, Akenham, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25167 Excavation - East Anglia One Area 9a, Land to the north of St Marys Church, Akenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25170 Excavation - East Anglia One, Site 12, Witnesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23359 Excavation - Eastern Relief Road, Rougham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25716 Excavation - Eastlow Hill Tumulus (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23619 Excavation - Elveden Roman Coin Hoard Excavation, Elveden (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18303 Excavation - Everett L (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25819 Excavation - Eye Airfield, Eye (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26236 Excavation - Eye Airfield, Yaxley (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF25609 Excavation - Fairfield Road, Framlingham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26030 Excavation - Ferry Road, Felixtowe (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24611 Excavation - Fleetwood Caravans, Orchard Place, Long Melford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23611 Excavation - Former Cattle Market, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23626 Excavation - Former Mulley's Garage, High Street, Ixworth (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24892 Excavation - Former Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25954 Excavation - Former Sugar Beet Factory, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21970 Excavation - Former Tarmac Quarry, Flixton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23572 Excavation - Former Unilever site, Needham Market (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15462 Excavation - Fox Farm, Great Bradley (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28737 Excavation - Foxledge Common, Wattisfield (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26329 Excavation - Friston Hall Farm, Friston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25907 Excavation - Gallows Hill, Gipping Valley (Phase 3) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26743 Excavation - Gallows Hill, Gipping Valley (Phase 4) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18816 Excavation - Game Farm, Brandon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24194 Excavation - George Gibson Close, Exning (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26159 Excavation - Greater Gabbard Wind Farm Onshore Works, Sizewell Wents (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20857 Excavation - Green King Access Road, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25610 Excavation - Green Lane, Reydon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23635 Excavation - Guildhall Feoffment School, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25952 Excavation - Heating Ducts, St James' Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18065 Excavation - Hele N F (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26436 Excavation - Herringswell Anglian Water Pipeline (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26273 Excavation - High Baxter Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24390 Excavation - Highfield Farm Borrow Pit, Rougham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18314 Excavation - Hills C (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26630 Excavation - HMS Ganges, Shotley (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18241 Excavation - Holt-Wilson T (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20903 Excavation - Honey Hill, Brewers Garage, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22076 Excavation - Ingham Quarry, Fornham St Genevieve (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF23514 Excavation - IP8 Access Road, Scrivener Drive, Pinewood (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24702 Excavation - Ipswich Road, Holbrook (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26454 Excavation - Iron Age Area IA5 Great Wilsey Park, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18064 Excavation - J Caruth (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26477 Excavation - Johnson's Farm, Leiston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25541 Excavation - Kentford Lodge, Kentford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26874 Excavation - Land Adj To Church Institute, Great Barton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26043 Excavation - Land adjacent 54 All Saints Road, Creeting St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26545 Excavation - Land adjacent Bears Lane, Lavenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15798 Excavation - Land adjacent to 'Clovelly', Great Barton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25390 Excavation - Land adjacent to Carsons Drive, Great Cornard (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26003 Excavation - Land adjacent to Little Priory, Church Street, Wangford with Henham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28920 Excavation - Land adjacent to Reeve Lodge, Trimley St Martin (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24062 Excavation - Land Adjacent to The Green, Barrow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23275 Excavation - Land at and adjacent to Mushroom Farm, High Road, Trimley St Martin (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26065 Excavation - Land at Blackacre Hill, Great Blakenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25497 Excavation - Land at Donards, Back lane, Badwell Ash (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25886 Excavation - Land at Erskine Lodge, Stanningsfield Road, Great Whelnetham (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF25532 Excavation - Land at High Street, Walton Green, Felixstowe (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26044 Excavation - Land at Hollow Road Farm, Fornham St Martin (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF29011 Excavation - Land at Howards Close, Wortham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26151 Excavation - Land at Main Road, Martlesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24838 Excavation - Land at Phase 6c, Cedars Park, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23402 Excavation - Land at the Former Hartismere Hospital, Eye (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25998 Excavation - Land at Ullswater Road, Campsea Ash (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25575 Excavation - Land at Woods Lane, Melton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25308 Excavation - Land at Worlngton Road, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26637 Excavation - Land between Station Garage and Railway Cottage, Darsham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26561 Excavation - Land east of Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham cum Thorpe (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28310 Excavation - Land east of Ashfield Road, Elmswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28856 Excavation - Land east of Aspll Road, Debenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26237 Excavation - Land east of Barrow Hill, Barrow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26805 Excavation - Land East of Beeches Road, West Row (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28582 Excavation - Land east of Constable County Medical Centre, East Bergholt (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26525 Excavation - Land east of Longfield Road, Capel St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26076 Excavation - Land East of Moreton Hall, Mount Road Phase 2 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21812 Excavation - Land North of 7-14 Narrow Way, Wenhaston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25909 Excavation - Land North of Blyth Houses, Church Road, Snape (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26047 Excavation - Land north of Chilton Leys, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25123 Excavation - Land North of Lion Road, Glemsford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26676 Excavation - Land north of Norton Road, Thurston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26059 Excavation - Land North West of Haverhill, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27927 Excavation - Land off Blacktiles Lane, Martlesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28925 Excavation - Land off Chapel Lane, Wickham Market (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25789 Excavation - Land off Church Road, Stowupland (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19286 Excavation - Land off Fengate Drove, Brandon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18219 Excavation - Land off London Road Brandon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26596 Excavation - Land on east side of Green Road, Woolpit (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26841 Excavation - Land rear of 27 College Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25394 Excavation - Land rear of 49-55 Schoolfield, Glemsfield (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25618 Excavation - Land rear of West View Gardens, Gislingham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23684 Excavation - Land South East of General Purpose Store, Loudham Lane, Pettistree (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF25857 Excavation - Land south of Bull Lane, Long Melford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25924 Excavation - Land south of Bury Road, Wortham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23007 Excavation - Land south of Featherbroom Gardens, High Street, Wickham Market, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25651 Excavation - Land South of Grove Hill, Belstead (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28500 Excavation - Land south of Pretyman Avenue, Bacton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25659 Excavation - Land south of Red House Lane, Leiston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22854 Excavation - Land South of Sparrowhawk Road, Holton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25943 Excavation - Land South of the Bungalow, Poslingford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24151 Excavation - Land South of Thurmans Lane, Trimley St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25949 Excavation - Land to Rear of 34-38 Old Station Road, Halesworth (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25565 Excavation - Land to the rear of 1-2 of 102 Chapel Cottages, Darsham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26084 Excavation - Land to the rear of 40 Peckham Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26910 Excavation - Land west of 35-40 Stutton Close, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22769 Excavation - Land west of Barrow Hill, Barrow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26411 Excavation - Land West of Stowmarket Road, Great Blakenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26817 Excavation - Land West of Thorney Green Road, Stowupland (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22801 Excavation - Leiston Substation 132kv cable route, Sizewell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26584 Excavation - Manor Farm, Bawdsey (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28860 Excavation - Manor House, Orford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18040 Excavation - Martin E (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19052 Excavation - Meredith J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26313 Excavation - Mildenhall Hub, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25976 Excavation - Mills Meadow Residential Home, Fore Street, Framlingham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19148 Excavation - Moreten Hall East, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25690 Excavation - Moreton Hall East, Great Barton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21590 Excavation - Moulton Paddocks, Moulton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20519 Excavation - New Store, Nuffield Hospital, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18277 Excavation - Newman J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24370 Excavation - No.1 High Street, Lowestoft, 2013 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18051 Excavation - Norris N E S (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20639 Excavation - North Trancept, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28997 Excavation - Onshore Substation Site Galloper Wind Farm, Leiston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18048 Excavation - Packard R & Newman J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26320 Excavation - Part of land east of Northern End, Saxmundham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24019 Excavation - Phase 1 Part 2, Chilton Leys, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26784 Excavation - Phases 3, 4 and 5 Lark Grange, Great Barton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22510 Excavation - Plot 1, Land adjacent to to Boyton hall, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23017 Excavation - Plot 2, Ann Suckling Road, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24966 Excavation - Plymouth Road Car Park, RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25887 Excavation - Primary Electrical Substation, Rougham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26279 Excavation - Proposed Reservoir Lodge Road, Walberswick (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22833 Excavation - Putative barrow in Mildenhall Woods, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26442 Excavation - RAF Lakenheath F35 Expansion, Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26443 Excavation - RAF Lakenheath F35 Expansion, Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20967 Excavation - RAF Mildenhall, Washington Square (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28563 Excavation - Rendlesham Sand Walk Field, Rendlesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18015 Excavation - Reported by Newman J (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21870 Excavation - Road Corridor, South of Phase III, Cedars Park, Stowmarket, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16091 Excavation - SAU (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18238 Excavation - SAU, Tester A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18394 Excavation - Scole Bypass Area 6 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25779 Excavation - Shire Hall, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18061 Excavation - Sommers M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18334 Excavation - Sommers M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25005 Excavation - St Clements Hospital, Foxhall Road, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16098 Excavation - St Edmund's Hospital & Nursing Home, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26014 Excavation - St Mary's Church, Grundisburgh (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15792 Excavation - St Saviour's Hospital, Tesco redevelopment 1989-1994 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26144 Excavation - Stamina Track, Moulton Paddocks (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26665 Excavation - Suffolk Wildlife Trust Centre, Oulton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15610 Excavation - Tayfen Road, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20671 Excavation - The Maltings, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24806 Excavation - The Nordalls, Kessingland (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20511 Excavation - The Old Maltings Site, Thingoe Hill,Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23608 Excavation - The Old Thatches, Preston St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23841 Excavation - The Swan Hotel, Lavenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19107 Excavation - Thetford Substation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20905 Excavation - United Reform Church, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23773 Excavation - Warrens Barn, Jack Field, The Street, Witnesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25415 Excavation - West Row Primary School, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23937 Excavation - White Horse Street, Lowestoft (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26335 Excavation - White House Farm, Mellis (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18300 Excavation - Willett A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25905 Excavation -Semer Road/The Street, Whatfield (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21381 Excavation (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF18031 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18049 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18054 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18099 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18408 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18411 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18413 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18414 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18772 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18814 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18826 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18827 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18831 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20124 Excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18708 Excavation & Monitoring - Eldo House Farm Buildings A2 and A, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14840 Excavation 1965-66 by Dymond D - Upper Chamberlain's Farm (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18275 Excavation 2000 - Sutton Hoo Visitors' Centre, Tranmer House, Bromeswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26600 Excavation and Evaluation - The Bridge School (Phase 2), Belstead (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28683 Excavation and Evaluation, Land NORTH OF Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27899 Excavation and Geomorphological Survey, Devil's Wood Pit, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15959 Excavation and geophysical survey by Time Team (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22326 Excavation and Monitoring - 19-20 Abbeygate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19063 Excavation and Monitoring - New Visitor Centre, Inner Bailey Wall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15290 Excavation and monitoring at Alpheton 1992 during pipe laying by Anglian Water (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20059 Excavation and Monitoring at The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Eye (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23249 Excavation and monitoring by Pre-Construct Archaeology for CgMs (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23637 Excavation and monitoring Land at Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19336 Excavation and monitoring, Consolidated Communications Building, 2005 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21369 Excavation and Monitoring, Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 11 and a small part of New Phase 12 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19412 Excavation and monitoring, Herny Watsons potteries, 2005-6 (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF19948 Excavation and monitoring, Hospital Zone Maintenance, RAF Lakenheath, 1999-2000 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23188 Excavation and Monitoring, Land to the rear of Chapel House, Chapel Green, Little St Mary's, Long Melford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22770 Excavation and monitoring, Manson House, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20924 Excavation and Monitoring, Morland Road, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27363 Excavation and Monitoring? Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 13 and west side of New Phase 14 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23632 Excavation and strip and map, Land North West of Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21706 Excavation at Blythburgh Priory (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20732 Excavation at Cherry Tree Farm, Wortham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21638 Excavation at Elmside farm, Walsham Le Willows (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21732 Excavation at Ex-Crane site, Nacton Road, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15939 Excavation at Fixton Park Quarry phase 5 and 6 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15888 Excavation at Flixton Park Quarry, Flixton, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21708 Excavation at Hartismere High School Playing Fields, Eye (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21603 Excavation at Land Adjacent to The Old Rectory, Bedfield (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF21598 Excavation at Land off Felixtowe Road, Foxhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21940 Excavation at Land south of Friends Field, Bures St Mary, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18416 Excavation at Landguard Fort (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22439 Excavation at Lovestoft Drive, Ipswich, by SCCAS, 1998. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21126 Excavation at Moneypot Hill Farm, Redgrave, 2007 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22295 Excavation at Moulton Paddocks Starting Track, Moulton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21498 Excavation at West Row Primary School Excavation, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21707 Excavation at Westfield Primary School Replacement site, Chalkstone Way (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27355 Excavation Boyton Hall to Kedington pipeline, Little Wratting (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18003 Excavation by A Tester & D Gill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21470 Excavation by Chris Hullcoop & Suffolk Mills group, circa 2001 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15336 Excavation by Evison V I at West Stow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18007 Excavation by Hele N F, 1863 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18011 Excavation by Summers M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16047 Excavation by West, S. at West Stow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25624 Excavation etc, A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvement (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15226 Excavation Fornham By-Pass (area C), Fornham St Martin. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20848 Excavation Land at Shrubbery Farm, Hubbard's Lane, Hessett (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21349 Excavation Land off Lady Lane, Hadleigh (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21330 Excavation of a Roman cremation and associated finds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19766 Excavation of Edwardstone hoard site, 2009 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23273 Excavation of findspot of complete bowl found metal detecting (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23092 Excavation of five Saxon cremations (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21329 Excavation of Roman hoard from West Stow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28980 Excavation of Roman Pewter Plate Hoard, Big Field, Euston Estate, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26244 Excavation Phase 3 - Barham Quarry (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18393 Excavation Scole Bypass Area 7 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15899 Excavation Scole bypass Area 8 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15919 Excavation Stage I 1991 - East Close, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16121 Excavation Stage II 1994 - East Close, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16155 Excavation Stage III 1994 - East Close, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21867 Excavation Weston Hall, Weston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21903 Excavation, Eastern Triangle, Ipswich, (IAS 5903). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28738 Excavation, Eye Airfield Parcel 13A (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28757 Excavation, Land South of Burwell Road, Exning (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28555 Excavation, Land To The North and East of Bobbits Lane (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28484 Excavation, Long Melford football ground (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14927 Excavation, Phillips I Site, Wilde Street, Mildenhall, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28873 Excavation, Roman Road, at football club ground (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24235 Excavation, "Transport Depot", Vermont Crescent, Ipswich, (IAS 8510). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23334 Excavation, 1 Great Colman Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1004) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22914 Excavation, 110-112 Handford Road (former Three Jolly Sailors), Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23426 Excavation, 13 Carr Street and corner of (former) Little Colman Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1402). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23752 Excavation, 15-17 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5502). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18355 Excavation, 15-17 Tacket Street, (Wingfield House), Ipswich, (IAS 3410). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22975 Excavation, 16 Mill Street, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14725 Excavation, 17-31 Kingston Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8014). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23369 Excavation, 19 Queen Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3004). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18343 Excavation, 19 Queen Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3006). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23834 Excavation, 2 Bridge Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6202). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28442 Excavation, 22-31 and Dairy Crest, Boss Hall Rd, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21656 Excavation, 22-31 Boss Hall Road, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23522 Excavation, 22-4 St Helen's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3601). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24224 Excavation, 24 Borrowdale Avenue, Ipswich, (IAS 8504). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23374 Excavation, 32 - 38 Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS3201). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23842 Excavation, 32 Prentice Street, Lavenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24455 Excavation, 36 Philip Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9313). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22564 Excavation, 57-59 College Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15786 Excavation, 6 Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS 3001). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14809 Excavation, 6-10 Arcade Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1804). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14885 Excavation, 65-67 Highfield Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8206). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23833 Excavation, 85-87 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6106). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23832 Excavation, 85-87 Fore Street, Ipswich. (IAS 6106). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23823 Excavation, 99 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6101). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23824 Excavation, 99 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6101). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21181 Excavation, A14 Seven Hills to Trimley improvement scheme, 1997 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18851 Excavation, Agilent site, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23857 Excavation, Albion Wharf, Ipswich, (IAS 6406) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15455 Excavation, Allenby Road, (Hadleigh Road), Ipswich, (IAS 7901). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25149 Excavation, Alnesbourne Crescent, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28437 Excavation, and off Loraine Way, Bramford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28456 Excavation, Area of Tree planting, MDS Area 4, Sizewell, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19605 Excavation, Barbers Point, 2006 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22501 Excavation, Barnham Pumping Station (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22452 Excavation, Barsham to Alder Carr Pipeline Trench 64-72 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22453 Excavation, Barsham to Alder Carr Pipeline Trench 73 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20153 Excavation, Base Perimeter Road, RAF Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15284 Excavation, Bealings Groundwater Remedial Scheme, Little Bealings. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16139 Excavation, Beeches Pit, West Stow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28059 Excavation, Beeches Pit, West Stow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28060 Excavation, Beeches Pit, West Stow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28896 Excavation, Beeches Pit, West Stow (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23604 Excavation, Blackfriars Priory (Friary), Ipswich, (Dr John Blatchley Excavation, 1976), (IAS 4703, IAS 4704). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15674 Excavation, Blackfriars Priory (Friary), Ipswich, (Nina Layard Excavation 1898) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22193 Excavation, Blood Hill, Bramford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15874 Excavation, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26248 Excavation, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26249 Excavation, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15551 Excavation, Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16106 Excavation, Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16152 Excavation, Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14924 Excavation, Boss Hall, Sproughton Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7904). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15288 Excavation, Bramford Pit (Coe's Pit); Pits 1 & 2, Bramford, (Prehistoric). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15287 Excavation, Bramford Pit (Coe's Pit); Pits 1 & 2, Bramford. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27071 Excavation, Bramford Pit (Coe's Pit); Pits 1 & 2, Bramford. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21788 Excavation, Bridge House Dairies, Worlington Road, Barton Mills (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14717 Excavation, Bronze Age Barrow on Fox's Heath, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14812 Excavation, Broom Hill, Rickinghall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15179 Excavation, Brundon Pit; Jordans Pit, Sudbury. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19942 Excavation, Building 1125, RAF Lakenheath, 2002 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18331 Excavation, Building 1155 extension, 2000 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15251 Excavation, Bury Hill, Melton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15171 Excavation, Buttermarket Shopping Centre Development, Buttermarket and St. Stephens Lane, Ipswich (IAS 3104). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15856 Excavation, Calke Wood, Rickinghall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16116 Excavation, Calke Wood, Rickinghall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14889 Excavation, Castle Hill Meadow, Whitton, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15181 Excavation, Castle Hill, Whitton, Ipswich, (IAS 8208). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16037 Excavation, Castle Hill, Whitton, Ipswich, (IAS 8208). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15638 Excavation, Catchwater Drain, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23654 Excavation, Cecelia Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5001). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19923 Excavation, Cedar's Park phase 4a (North east) 2005 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21887 Excavation, Cedar's Park phase 4A, Stowmarket, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21882 Excavation, Cedars Park Phase 5B, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21885 Excavation, Cedars Park Phase 5C, Stowmarket, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21011 Excavation, Cedars Park, Stowmarket to Baylham Pumping Station, Anglian Water pipeline (phase 2) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14722 Excavation, Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8508). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14952 Excavation, Chalk Hill Round Barrow, Barton Mills, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19750 Excavation, Chantry Estate, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15249 Excavation, Chesterfield Drive, Castle Hill, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24170 Excavation, Chesterfield Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 8207). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28462 Excavation, Chilton Woods ( Phase One Areas 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,9) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23981 Excavation, Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich, (IAS 7804). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19630 Excavation, Churchfield Road (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15090 Excavation, Coddenham-Baylham Roman Site (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23845 Excavation, College St, Foundry Lane, Burtons Warehouse, Ipswich, (IAS 6301). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20128 Excavation, Consolidated Support Complex, RAF Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15159 Excavation, Cooks Drove, West Row Fen; F2a; OS Field 0065, Mildenhall, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16168 Excavation, Corner of Bloomfield Street and Freehold Road, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14738 Excavation, Corner of Great Colman Street and Old Foundary Road, (IAS 1404). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23786 Excavation, Corner of Star Lane and Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5907). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14806 Excavation, Corner of Westgate and Lady Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 1603). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14890 Excavation, Cox Lane/Union Street, Ipswich. (IAS 3503). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23858 Excavation, Cranfields Mill, Ipswich, (IAS 6405). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28945 Excavation, Creation of Wetland Habitat for Wildlife (Zone 16) Excavation Area B, Sizewell MDS (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28946 Excavation, Creation of Wetland Habitat for Wildlife (Zone 16) Excavation Area D, Sizewell MDS (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25797 Excavation, Cross Street, Hoxne (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21043 Excavation, Crowland Road, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18313 Excavation, Crown and Anchor, 10b-14 Westgate Street, Ipswich, (IAS 0703) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15550 Excavation, Dales Road Brickfield; Bolton & Laughlin's Pit, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21808 Excavation, Darmsden Hall Farm Quarry, Barking, 2004 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21809 Excavation, Darmsden Hall Farm Quarry, Barking. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23320 Excavation, Debenhams, Waterloo House, 1-10a Westgate St. (IAS 0702) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23319 Excavation, Debenhams, Waterloo House, 1-10a Westgate St. and 5 Cornhill, (IAS 0701) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15507 Excavation, Devil's Wood Pit, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16066 Excavation, Devil's Wood Pit, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15474 Excavation, East Farm, Barnham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16062 Excavation, East Farm, Barnham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16135 Excavation, East Farm, Barnham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26309 Excavation, East Farm, Barnham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19130 Excavation, Eight Elms Farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14719 Excavation, Elm Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3902). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15972 Excavation, Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16126 Excavation, Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15315 Excavation, Eriswell, RAF Lakenheath, prior to the construction of a new settling tank (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21900 Excavation, ERL 147 Liberty Village, RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21915 Excavation, ERL 148, Liberty Village, RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15238 Excavation, Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20737 Excavation, Ex Firmin's Site, Handford Road, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18345 Excavation, Extension to Cowell's store, Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS 3101). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18278 Excavation, Eye Castle (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28321 Excavation, Fakenham Magna (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19929 Excavation, Family Housing maintenance facility, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20130 Excavation, Family Support Complex, RAF Lakenheath, ERL 139 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15923 Excavation, Field GGBMA, Great Cornard (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26923 Excavation, Field northeast of dry Cavenham Mere (Mesolithic) - Euston to Cambridge Mains Water Pipeline/Thetford Aqueduct Survey section (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19364 Excavation, Fitness Centre and Health Wellness Centre, RAF Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23780 Excavation, Fore Street (Star Lane), Ipswich, (IAS 5902). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15926 Excavation, Fore Street, Neptune Quay, Ipswich, (IAS 6601). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22190 Excavation, Former Ellough Airfield, Worlingham, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16134 Excavation, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich, (IAS 9303). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16060 Excavation, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24441 Excavation, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19455 Excavation, Former Smyth Works, Peasenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23770 Excavation, Foundation Street (Cranfield’s car park), Ipswich, (IAS 5801). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23602 Excavation, Foundation Street and Former School Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4801, IAS 4802). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15142 Excavation, Foxhall Hall Pit, Foxhall, (Palaeolithic). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15554 Excavation, Foxhall Sand Pit, Foxhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22194 Excavation, Franciscan Way/Wolsey Street, Greyfriars Precinct, Ipswich, (IAS 5003) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22196 Excavation, Franciscan Way/Wolsey Street, Greyfriars Precinct, Ipswich, (IAS 5003). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22197 Excavation, Franciscan Way/Wolsey Street, Greyfriars Precinct, Ipswich, (IAS 5003). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26811 Excavation, Freston Causewayed Encolsure (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25087 Excavation, Gainsborough Sports and Community Centre, Braziers Wood Road, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21129 Excavation, Great Hallows, Stoke Ash (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14734 Excavation, Great Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7501). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14728 Excavation, Great Whip Street/Vernon Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7401) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21929 Excavation, Green King, North Yard, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15820 Excavation, Greenwich Farm, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16030 Excavation, Greyfriars Road (Island Site), Ipswich, (IAS 5204). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25022 Excavation, Grimwade Street, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22147 Excavation, Half Moon Public House, Lakenheath. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25065 Excavation, Handford Road, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22517 Excavation, Harps Close Meadow, Sudbury (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14829 Excavation, Hayland House, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15273 Excavation, Haylands Drove, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27691 Excavation, High Lodge, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27693 Excavation, High Lodge, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27694 Excavation, High Lodge, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15343 Excavation, Hollesley Bay Colony, Hollesly (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28847 Excavation, Home Farm, The Green, Hadleigh (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15548 Excavation, Home Heath, Lackford. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20780 Excavation, Household Waste and Recycling Centre, Gisleham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16154 Excavation, Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16172 Excavation, Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27478 Excavation, Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27479 Excavation, Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15184 Excavation, Hurst Fen, Mildenhall. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22400 Excavation, Icehouse at Holywells Park, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21993 Excavation, Intermediate School Gym, RAF Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20707 Excavation, IP8 development, Pinewood, 2008 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19757 Excavation, Ipswich Airport, Ravenswood, 2001 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28425 Excavation, Ipswich Northern Fringe (land south of the railway line) Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23976 Excavation, Ipswich St. Margaret's, Christchurch Park, Ipswich, (IAS 7807). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15990 Excavation, Ivry Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7009) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27220 Excavation, Kents Close, Chediston, (Mesolithic) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14894 Excavation, Kesteven Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9504). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16004 Excavation, Kesteven Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9504). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16127 Excavation, Kesteven Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9504). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23779 Excavation, Key Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5901). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15187 Excavation, King's Site, Wilde Street, Mildenhall, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23364 Excavation, Kingfisher Drive, Great Blakenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21998 Excavation, Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14850 Excavation, Lackford Bridge Quarry 1978-79 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15009 Excavation, Lackford Sand and Gravel Pit (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14893 Excavation, Lakenheath Airfield, Lakenheath, (Sand Dune Site) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15896 Excavation, Lakenheath Warren Site; Lakenheath Airfield, (Mesolithic) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23718 Excavation, Land adjacent to 1 Cobbold Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8520). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21533 Excavation, Land Adjacent to Holly House, Bardwell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21841 Excavation, Land adjoining the Former Smoke House Inn, Beck Row (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23005 Excavation, Land at Hopton Road, Barningham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28315 Excavation, Land at Monks Eleigh Primary School (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22164 Excavation, Land at Recreational Way, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28454 Excavation, Land at Warren Farm, The Street (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25842 Excavation, Land East of Moreton Hall, Rushbrooke with Rougham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25785 Excavation, Land East of The Granary, Stoke Road, Clare (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23311 Excavation, Land east of Warren Hill, Saxmundham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23179 Excavation, Land north of Pryor Road, Snape (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28538 Excavation, Land north of RAF Honington, Fakenham Magna, Euston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28499 Excavation, Land north of The Broadway, Badwell Ash (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28493 Excavation, Land North of Walton High Street, Felixstowe (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20746 Excavation, Land of Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22976 Excavation, Land of Risbygate Street and Nelson Road, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20149 Excavation, Land off Bures Road, Great Cornard (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28501 Excavation, Land off Ellen Aldous Avenue, Hadleigh (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23245 Excavation, Land off Fengate Drove, Brandon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22101 Excavation, Land off Lord's Walk, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23011 Excavation, Land off St Michaels Way, Wenhaston with Mellis Hamlet (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23365 Excavation, Land south east of The Dell, Meadow Farm Lane, Hollesley (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26894 Excavation, Land South of Green Road, Haughley (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28776 Excavation, Land South of Norton Road, Thurston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23230 Excavation, Land South of School Road, Risby (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21432 Excavation, Land to North of the Street Erwarton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23077 Excavation, Land west of Carlton Hall, Carlton Colville (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23429 Excavation, Land west of Church Cottages, Brightwell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23342 Excavation, Land West of Church Farm, Buxhall Road, Brettenham, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22972 Excavation, Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15463 Excavation, Lavenham Brickyard, Lavenham, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23096 Excavation, Leiston Abbey Community Excavations (Digventures), Leiston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28859 Excavation, Leiston Abby, Leiston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23331 Excavation, Library, Northgate Street, Ipswich (IAS 1002) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15499 Excavation, Little Lodge Farm Gravel Pits, Including White's pit, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27924 Excavation, Little Lodge Farm Gravel Pits, Including White's pit, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27925 Excavation, Little Lodge Farm Gravel Pits, Including White's pit, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14739 Excavation, Little Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7404). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14959 Excavation, London Bottom, Icklingham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27530 Excavation, London Bottom, Icklingham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25833 Excavation, Long Melford Primary School (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24156 Excavation, Lovetofts Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 8122). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27272 Excavation, Low Road, Debenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23753 Excavation, Lower Brook Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5505). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22974 Excavation, Lowestoft Northern Spine Road, Lowestoft (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15459 Excavation, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24440 Excavation, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22455 Excavation, Maltings Farm, Hepworth (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15910 Excavation, Marks & Spencer Extension, 24 - 26 Westgate Street, (IAS 0602). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15004 Excavation, Martlesham, Unknown Site, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15720 Excavation, Martlesham, Unknown Site, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22213 Excavation, Medieval settlement activity on land at Freckenham Road, Worlington, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22916 Excavation, Middle Iron Age settlement at Westfield Primary School, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27728 Excavation, Mildenhall Brickyard, Mildenhall, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19276 Excavation, Moat Farm, Otley (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22104 Excavation, MUGA Pitch, Hartismere High School, Eye (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25129 Excavation, Nacton Road Site, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25130 Excavation, Nacton Road Site, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25131 Excavation, Nacton Road Site, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15209 Excavation, Near the White House, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15210 Excavation, Near the White House, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15429 Excavation, Needham Lake Recreation Area, Creeting St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23877 Excavation, Neptune Quay, Ipswich, (IAS 6601). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22859 Excavation, New All-weather hockey pitch and Tennis courts, Culford School, Culford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21972 Excavation, New Museum Store, West Stow Country Park (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15020 Excavation, North Transept, St James Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16023 Excavation, North Transept, St James Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19898 Excavation, Norwich/Plymouth Roads, RAF Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15003 Excavation, Nottcutts Nursery, Martlesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14943 Excavation, Okenhill Hall, Badingham. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15119 Excavation, Old Angel Bowling Green/Access Road to Relief Road, Halesworth (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27821 Excavation, Old Bury Road, Palgrave (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15067 Excavation, Old Foundry Road, Ipswich, (IAS 1501). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18251 Excavation, Old School, Grundisburgh, 1993 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15456 Excavation, Old Valley Brick Pit, Foxhall Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8903). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16133 Excavation, Old Valley Brick Pit, Foxhall Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8903). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24307 Excavation, Old Valley Brick Pit, Foxhall Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8903). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28881 Excavation, Onshore Converter Station, Bramford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24344 Excavation, Orwell Quay (UCS), Duke Street, Ipswich, (IAS 9013). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18759 Excavation, Pakefield Cliffs, Gisleham, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21813 Excavation, Palace House Stables Excavation, Newmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23308 Excavation, Pannington Quarry (PHASE 1), Wherstead (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15234 Excavation, Partridge Pit, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14887 Excavation, Pettistree Hall Farm, Pettistree (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21899 Excavation, Phase 5 Liberty Village, RAF Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14929 Excavation, Phillips II, Wilde Street, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16044 Excavation, Pit C, Boulder Clay Pit, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15576 Excavation, Proposed A140 Stoke Ash Roundabout, Stoke Ash (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22849 Excavation, Proposed New Arrivals Lane, Centre Parcs, Elveden, Forest Holiday Village, Elveden (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28534 Excavation, RAF lakenheath Hooch (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19983 Excavation, RAF Mildenhall POV car wash (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22985 Excavation, Ravenswood "Area T", Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19756 Excavation, Ravenswood, Ipswich, (IAS 9129). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18832 Excavation, Redhill Road/Lady Lane, 2001 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22146 Excavation, Richmond House, Nethergate Street, Clare (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15392 Excavation, Rickinghall, Botesdale Bypass, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15078 Excavation, Risby Poor's Heath, Risby (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21881 Excavation, Road Corridor phase 5C, Cedars Park (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22515 Excavation, Rochester Road Soakaway, RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14895 Excavation, Roman Shafts, Bolton's Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14712 Excavation, Rookery Mound, Great Bealings, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22291 Excavation, Rushmere Sports Club, The Street, Rushmere St Andrew (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28323 Excavation, Sapiston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22183 Excavation, Saxon House, Church Lane, Shottisham, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23891 Excavation, Shire Hall Yard, Ipswich, (IAS 6901). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23892 Excavation, Shire Hall Yard, Ipswich, (IAS 6904). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18094 Excavation, Site A, Phase 2, Cedars Park, Stwmarket, Suffolk (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18339 Excavation, Site of Former Oxborrows Hotel, St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 2902). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23764 Excavation, Smart Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5701). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27652 Excavation, Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22185 Excavation, South Seafront and Martello Tower P, Felixstowe (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15016 Excavation, South West of Rectory, Burgate (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18020 Excavation, Speedwell Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9508). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25798 Excavation, Spring Road, Bardwell (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15510 Excavation, Sproughton Knoll, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16069 Excavation, Sproughton Knoll, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27902 Excavation, Sproughton Knoll, Sproughton (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14721 Excavation, St George's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7007). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14736 Excavation, St George's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 9802). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14735 Excavation, St James' Leper Hospital, Fore Street/Back Hamlet, Ipswich, (IAS 8901). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20093 Excavation, St. Bartholomew's Wharf, College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6303). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23825 Excavation, St. Clement's Church Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 6102). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23827 Excavation, St. Clement's Church Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 6103). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21003 Excavation, St. George's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7017). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24286 Excavation, St. Helen’s Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8804). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19889 Excavation, St. Josephs College Icehouse, Ipswich, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23985 Excavation, St. Margaret's Church, North Extension, Ipswich, (IAS 7806). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23558 Excavation, St. Nicholas Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4201). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15099 Excavation, St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5203). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23397 Excavation, St. Stephen's Church, Ipswich, (IAS 3203). (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF27440 Excavation, Stanchil's Farm, Hengrave (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23704 Excavation, Star Lane Link Road, Ipswich, (IAS 5301). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28419 Excavation, Staunch Meadow, Brandon (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15385 Excavation, Staunch Meadow, Brandon, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15819 Excavation, Stoke Hill Rail Tunnel, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25057 Excavation, Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28322 Excavation, Stone Pit Hill, Town Pit, Rampart Field, Rampart Hill, Icklingham, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15017 Excavation, Tayfen Road, Bury St Edmunds, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24239 Excavation, The Albany, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8513). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15825 Excavation, The Back Hamlet, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14853 Excavation, The Carr/East of the Carr, Wangford (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16113 Excavation, The Grange, Palgrave, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15719 Excavation, The Nursery, Martlesham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19987 Excavation, The Old Garage, Redgrave (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16048 Excavation, The Pightle, Needham Market, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22512 Excavation, The White House Mill Hill Caple St Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF22208 Excavation, Thomas Wolsey School, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27686 Excavation, Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27687 Excavation, Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23321 Excavation, Tower Ramparts School, Ipswich 1979-1981, (IAS 0802) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21448 Excavation, Travelodge Hotel, Duke Street, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23568 Excavation, Turret Lane School, Ipswich, (IAS 4302). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20960 Excavation, Ullswater Drive, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19964 Excavation, Utilities Workship, RAF Lakenheath, 2002 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14727 Excavation, Vermont Crescent, Ipswich, (IAS 8507). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15457 Excavation, Wallers Grove? Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15246 Excavation, West of Osierbed House, Little Bealings, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21454 Excavation, Westley Hall Farm reservoir (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15540 Excavation, Westley Road, Bury St. Edmunds. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28610 Excavation, Weymed Centre, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15890 Excavation, Whitehouse Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8118). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24143 Excavation, Whitehouse Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8118). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24144 Excavation, Whitehouse Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8118). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15027 ExcavatIon, Windmill Hill (Saxon Close), Exning (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23598 Excavation, Wingfield Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4601). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24234 Excavation, Woolpack Inn, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8509). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28042 Excavation; Land South of Old Stowmarket Road, Woolpit (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28044 Excavation: Gateway 14 (Excavation Area A) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25729 Excavation: Land South of Burwell Road, Exning (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28833 Excavation: Land West of Chapel Road (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28618 Excavation: Union Farm, Bulcamp Phase 3, 2021 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26307 Excavation: Union Farm, Bulcamp Phase1, 2018 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26614 Excavation: Union Farm, Bulcamp Phase2, 2019 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23440 Excavation? 23 Westgate Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1802). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18351 Excavation? 23-7 Upper Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3402). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23473 Excavation? 23-7 Upper Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3402). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18348 Excavation? 30 Carr Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3401). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14846 Excavation? Breach Drove, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23436 Excavation? Corner of 55/57 Westgate Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1701). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25762 Excavation? County Hall, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14891 Excavation? Cox Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 3502). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14866 Excavation? Danecroft, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27477 Excavation? Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15892 Excavation? Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25261 Excavation? Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27573 Excavation? Lakenheath Airfield, Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25254 Excavation? Lloyds Avenue, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14762 Excavation? Lodge Farm, Honington. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28112 Excavation? New Fen, Lakenheath, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15458 Excavation? Norwich Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8204). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23566 Excavation? Old Cattle Market, Ipswich, (IAS 6801) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24284 Excavation? Rope Walk, Ipswich, (IAS 8802). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF28148 Excavation? Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14888 Excavation? Valley Farm, Boyton. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23478 Excavation? West corner of Cox Lane and Carr Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3405). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25744 Excavation? Woodbridge Road, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18354 Excavation. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27692 Excavation(s?), High Lodge, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF17296 Excavations 1885-1886 by Major E C Moor produced M (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25829 Excavations 2010 - River Alde Saxon Heritage Project, Barber's Point, Friston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25835 Excavations 2013, Barber's Point, Friston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21382 Excavations at RAF Lakenheath Utilities Workshop, 2002 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF23696 Excavations, Greyfriars Road, Ipswich, (IAS 5201, IAS 5202). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21863 Excavations, Land adjacent to Rose Cottage, Church Lane, Hepworth (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19133 Fairclough J & Hardy M, Excavation, 2004-5 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19648 Filmer-Sankey W & Pestell T, trenched & open area excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19776 Fletcher W (SCCAS), survey and part excavation Dec 2008 - Jan 2009 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21444 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 12 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18261 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6, FLN 059 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21371 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 7 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21443 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 9 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20188 Former CES Building, MNL 610 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19515 Gadd J & Dring Dr C, small excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25461 Geophysical and Topographic Surevy + Excavation - Eastlow Hill Tumulus (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF24697 Geophysical Survey Metal Detecting and Trial Excavation - Chapel Barn Farm, Aldeburgh (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19606 Gill D (SCCAS), Evaluation trenching 1999 (Rep 1999/22) (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18038 Gill D (SCCAS), evaluation, 1998 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19734 Gosnold DNA Project (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21333 Gypsy's Lane Roman Road, Framlingham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20282 Heathland Creation Trials Site, Sizewell, Leiston (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26280 Historic Building Recording - Little Dale Farm, Stanton (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF19235 Jo Caruth, SCCAS. RAFL new 120 bed dormitory (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18810 John Wilde School - excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20185 Land Adjacent to Beech House, Exning (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21285 Land East of Days Road, Capel St. Mary (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21283 Land Off Broadlands Way, Bixley Farm, Rushmere St Andrew (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21251 Land South of Millfields Way, Haverhill (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21263 Land to the Rear of Deben Court, Chapel Lane, Wickham Market (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20956 Land to the rear of Kessingland Primary School, Kessingland (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27675 Maidscross Hill, (The Broom, The Old Churchyard), Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27676 Maidscross Hill, (The Broom, The Old Churchyard), Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27677 Maidscross Hill, (The Broom, The Old Churchyard), Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27678 Maidscross Hill, (The Broom, The Old Churchyard), Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF27679 Maidscross Hill, (The Broom, The Old Churchyard), Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21446 Moat at Church Farm Gosbeck (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21971 Moat Survey at The Vicarage, Hoxne (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15956 Monitoring - 22 to 24 Chapel Street, Woodbridge (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25414 Monitoring - 24 Out Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15601 Monitoring - Anglian Water Mains Replacement, Bradfield St Clare (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF16144 Monitoring - Gravel Hill, Barnham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15565 Monitoring - North Yard Greene King Brewery, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18376 Monitoring - St Mary's Square, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19087 Monitoring - St Michael's Church, Beccles (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18511 Monitoring (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18776 Monitoring (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26187 Monitoring and Excavation - Orion Business Park, Blackacre Hill, Great Blakenham (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20711 Monitoring and Excavation at The Depot, St Johns Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18928 Monitoring and Excavation, Alton Water to Bucklesham pipeline (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF14980 Monitoring and Excavation, Barnham Number 1 pit (Old pit) (and River Pit?), (Palaeolithic). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21159 Monitoring and excavation, boundary bank adjacent to Little Fair field, Sudbury (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19388 Monitoring and excavation, Emergency Access Road, RAF Lakenheath (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18146 Monitoring and Excavation, Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5, FLN 056 FLN 057 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21494 Monitoring and excavation, Ixworth pipeline, 1997 (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF21158 Monitoring and excavation, land Adjacent to St Bartholomew's Priory, Sudbury (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF20617 Monitoring and Excavation, Land behind 42 Churchgate Street, 2008 (Event - Survey) |
Event Type |
ESF20156 Monitoring and excavation, Lark's Meadow, Purdis Farm (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18390 Monitoring and Excavation, Morrison's Supermarket, Boss Hall, Ipswich, (IAS 7929). (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19888 Monitoring and Excavation, New Playing Fields, Thurleston High School, Whitton, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF26114 Monitoring and Excavation, Sutton Hoo Visitor centre Footpath and viewing platform (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF15516 Monitoring and excavation, Winston Trunkmain Reinforcement, (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19119 Monitoring partial strip of spoil disposal area (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF25150 Monitoring, Alnesbourne Crescent, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF15824 Monitoring, Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF27407 Monitoring, Chalkpit, Fakenham No.2, Newport's, (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF22787 Monitoring, Cherrytree Inn, Debenham (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF14858 Monitoring, Hercules Went, Fakenham, (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF24240 Monitoring, The Albany, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8513). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF23815 monitoring? Corner of Star Lane and Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5907). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19845 Moore A, phase 1 excavation, 1964 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF14711 Moss G (SAU), trenched excavation, 1975 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19257 New Access Control, Gate 2, RAF Lakenheath, ERL 120 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20687 New Villas, Center Parcs, Elveden (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20632 New Visitors Centre, Suffolk Punch Trust, Hollesley Bay (Event - Survey) |
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ESF21207 Nitrate Pipeline Excavation, Rushbrooke (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19607 Open area excavation, College Heath Road, 2005 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21873 Orford Castle Trial Excavation (Event - Interpretation) |
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ESF21301 Pakefield High School, Lowestoft, (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19246 Palace House Mansion (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19228 Pendleton C & Craven J (SCCAS), small scale excation (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF26739 Phase 1 Excavation, Little Haugh, Sutton Hoo, Sutton (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20811 Phase 2, Rear of Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, Mildenhall (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF22560 Post Excavation Assessment: B1113 Stowmarket to Great Blakenham Underground Cabling (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20979 Post-Excavation Assessment, Dennington CEVCP School (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21471 Prigg H, excavation, 1877 (Event - Interpretation) |
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ESF20280 Puddlebrook Playing Fields (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF18919 Recording and excavation of 'Lighter" Hulks in Ballingdon Cut, Sudbury (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF23265 Recording, dismantling and excavation of the 1974, Sunken House, West Stow Anglo Saxon Village (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20297 Red Hill Road, Hadleigh, 2001 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF26985 Research Project - Breach Farm, Exning (Event - Survey) |
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ESF15633 SAU (DG) trenched evaluation and monitoring, July 1995 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF18412 SCCAS, Excavation, 1999 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19200 SCCAS, Excavation, Cavenham Quarry (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21464 Sherringham Court, Milton Road, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20728 Silver Birches, Hintlesham (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF18856 Southern Taxiway and Perimeter Road (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21560 Staunch Meadow, Brandon (Event - Interpretation) |
Event Type |
ESF19940 Street Farm Barn, Tunstall (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF25168 Strip Map and Sample - East Anglia One Area 10, Land off Henley Road, Akenham (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF28453 Strip Map Excavate, Pre Stanton Link Scheme (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF26876 Strip Map Excavate, The Willows, Stow Road, Ixworth (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF27400 Strip, Map and Excavate - Posat Office Extension RAFL, Eriswell (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF23491 Strip, Map and Excavation - Wash Pits Field, Bardwell Road, Euston (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19846 Suffolk Deserted Med Settlement Field Team, full excavation, 2008 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21142 SWISS Centre, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21445 The Island, Church Cottage, Crowfield (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19288 THE PLOUGH, ICKLINGHAM (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20962 The Rose Garden, St Edmunds' Abbey, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19114 Trenched evaluation (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19118 Trenched evaluation, bypass spoil disposal area (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18792 Trial excavation (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF18010 Trial Excavation, Carr R D (Event - Intervention) |
Event Type |
ESF19526 Univ of Cambridge Field Academy Schools Project, test pit, 2007 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF18855 Unnamed (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF15897 Vernon Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7402). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21102 Waste Transfer Facility, Great Blakenham, Post-Excavation Assessment (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF25176 Watching Brief - East Anglia One Area 18 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF15289 Watching Brief and Excavation, Sproughton Road, Boss Hall Industrial Estate, (IAS 7914). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF15383 Watching Brief, Foxs Heath, Ransomes Europark, Notcutts Warehouse, (IAS 9121). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF18098 Watching Brief?, 10-14 Museum Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1704). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF28777 WINDMILL HILL (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF28778 WINDMILL HILL (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF28779 WINDMILL HILL (Event - Intervention) |