Site Event/Activity record ESF22972 - Excavation, Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham, Suffolk
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Location | Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham, Suffolk |
Grid reference | Centred TM 4152 7017 (44m by 40m) |
Map sheet | TM47SW |
Archaeological Solutions
Not recorded.
Between October and November 2014, Archaeological Solutions Ltd (AS) undertook and archaeological excavation on land to the west of Mill House, The Street, Darsham. The excavation was carried out in compliance with a planning condition attached to planning approval for the construction of 15 new dwellings and was preceded by an archaeological trial trench evaluation, also conducted by AS. In the event the project encountered an enclosed medieval (11th/ 12th to 15th century AD) landscape, largely confined to the north-eastern area of the site and comprising a single definable enclosure, several substantial boundary features and a short section of possible E-W aligned trackway. A number of pits, including a possible pond and a well were also dated to the medieval period. Most of the pits appeared to comprise single use features, most probably dug for refuse disposal. The bulk of the medieval finds assemblage is domestic in character, comprising pottery and animal bone, but also includes a Cu alloy brooch. Two possible prehistoric cremation deposits (undated) and a small number of post-medieval/ early modern features were also encountered. The latter included a pair of parallel ?beam slots.
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future No
Associated Identifiers:
Contracting Unit No. P5673
Sitecode DAR 030
NMR No. 1592165
Project Type: Field evaluation
Development Type: Rural residential
Methods and Techniques: '''Targeted Trenches''', '''Sample Trenches'''
Position in the Planning Process: Pre-application
Reason for Investigation: Planning condition
Site status: None
Current Land use: Other 15 - Other
Monument Type(s)/Period(s): CREMATIONS Uncertain, DITCHES; PITS; ?WELL; ?POND Medieval , DITCHES; ?BEAM SLOTS Medieval , DITCHES/ GULLY; PITS; POSTHOLES Uncertain
Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): CREMATED BONE Uncertain, STRUCK FLINT Bronze Age , POTTERY; CU ALLOY BROOCH; CBM; ANIMAL BONE Medieval , CU ALLOY SPUR Post Medieval
Area 0.80 Hectares
Grid Reference: TM4149070170 Point
Height 25.00 - 28.00 metres
Organisation: Archaeological Solutions Ltd
Brief originator: SCC AS Conservation Team
Design originator: Jon Murray
Director/Manager: Jon Murray
Supervisor: Jim Fairclough, Kamil Orzechowski
Recipient: Suffolk County Archaeological Store
Contents: 'Survey'
Media: 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Survey', 'Text'
Recipient: Suffolk County Archaeological Store
Contents: 'Survey'
Media: 'Drawing', 'Photograph', 'Plan', 'Report', 'Survey '
Recipient: Suffolk County Archaeological Store
Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Metal', 'Worked stone/lithics'
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham, Suffolk
Author(s)/Editor(s): Mustchin, A
Other Bibliographic Details: Archaeological Solutions Report No. 4792
Date: 2015
Issuer/Publisher: Archaeological Solutions Ltd
Place of Issue or Publication: Bury St Edmunds
Sources/Archives (2)
- --- SSF55818 Unpublished document: Mustchin A. 2015. An Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation and Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design, Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham, Suffolk.
- --- SSF58019 Unpublished document: Mustchin, A.. 2015. An Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation and Excavation, Research Archive Report, Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- DAR 030 Medieval and undated features including two Roman cremations pits, Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham (Monument)
Record last edited
Jul 20 2022 1:17PM