Site Event/Activity record ESF25624 - Excavation etc, A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvement
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Location | A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvement |
Grid reference | Centred TL 7980 7857 (8110m by 5096m) |
Map sheet | TL77NE |
Pre-Construct Archaeology
Not recorded.
Detailed excavation at ELV 059 and ELV 060. Strip, Map and Sample excavations where used in the areas where the NAU evalaution had identified archaeological remains of undefined size and extent. Watcjing Briefs were carried oput during topsoil stripping and other ground works
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF57705 Unpublished document: Lees, M., and Hinman, M., and Stump, D.. 2013. A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvements, A Post-Excavation Assessment of Archaeological Excavations 2012-2013.
Related Monuments/Buildings (11)
- IKL 194 A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvement, AREA 7 (Monument)
- ELV 085 Early and Late Iron Age settlement and agricultural activity, A11 - EXC AREA 10 (Monument)
- IKL 192 Four undated pits WB AREA 3 (Monument)
- ELV 086 OUTLINE RECORD: A11 - EXC (PRE-CONSTRUCT) AREA 11 (Allocated Number)
- IKL 189 REVOKED RECORD: Negative SMS excavation A11 (PCA) AREA 4 (Revoked Record)
- IKL 190 Revoked Record: Negative strip, map and sample A11 (PCA) AREA 6 (Revoked Record)
- IKL 191 REVOKED RECORD: Negative watching brief A11 (PCA) AREA 1 (Revoked Record)
- ELV 087 Site of Second World War searchlight battery and pillbox (Monument)
- ELV 088 Two Middle Bronze Age cremation burials: A11 - WB (PCA)- AREA 8 (Monument)
- ELV 084 Undated pit and three ditches - Area 9 EXC (Monument)
- IKL 188 Undated pits, SMS Area 2 (Monument)
Record last edited
Mar 5 2020 11:57AM