Site Event/Activity record ESF22812 - Evaluation, The Gables, Bury Street, Stowmarket
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Location | The Gables, Bury Street, Stowmarket |
Grid reference | Centred TM 6048 2589 (70m by 82m) |
Map sheet | TM62NW |
Britannia Archaeology
Not recorded.
Archaeological evaluation was carried out on The Gables, Bury Street, Stowmarket in advance of the construction of 10 dwellings. This comprised four test pits, two of which encountered features significant enough to warrant further investigation. The test pits were located within the areas of the proposed dwellings and their associated works around the then extant residential building within the sites bounds (Fig. 1). Test Pit 1 (3.00m x 3.00m) was located within the north-west bounds of the site, with Test Pit 2 (3.00m x 3.00m) in the opposing north east corner of the site. Test pits 3 and 4 were located to the south of the extant dwelling on site, and were amalgamated into a single, small excavation area (measuring approx. 10.00m x 8.00m) in order to expose archaeological deposits present within their bounds. Archaeological monitoring during the grubbing out of the foundations was also required to record any features that were present within the confines of the extant house foundations.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF58918 Unpublished document: McConnell, D. 2015. Archaeological Investigation: The Gables, Bury Street, Stowmarket.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- SKT 071 18th century pit and undated Pits and ditch The Gables, Bury Street, Stowmarket (Monument)
Record last edited
May 7 2024 1:26PM