Find Spot record PLS 072 - Neoltihic axes, Justice Wood Farm

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Three axes found in the Justice Wood Farm area `some time ago' (S1): 1. Formerly recorded as PLS MISC


Grid reference TL 990 419 (point) Approximate
Map sheet TL94SE


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Three axes found in the Justice Wood Farm area `some time ago' (S1): 1. Unpolished flint axe, 14cm long, blade formed by a tranchet blade on one side and trimmed on the other. General appearance is, however, more Neo than Mes.
2. Polished flint axe, 14.3cm long, blade damaged in antiquity. 3. Polished stone axe (also listed under PLS 002), 12.1cm long, made of a greenish basic igneous rock. Flaked axe made of pale grey flint with a yellow patination. Axe has been truncated at the blade end (break surface is unpatinated). Surviving length is 12.3 cm, maximum width 5.1 cm tapering to 1.9 cm at the butt, maximum thickness 2.8 cm tapering to 1.6 at the butt, 0.24 kg in weight. Possible slight gloss around the end of the butt, possibly from a haft or sleeve. One of a number of axes and other implements found in the (see 'Not to be published on web' tab for finder/s and/or findspot/s) over a long period by the former landowner ((see 'Not to be published on web' tab for finder/s and/or findspot/s)(see PLS 002, 016, 017 & Misc)(S2).

Formerly recorded as PLS MISC

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <M1> Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. Parish file: finds sheets with detailed descriptions, drawings.
  • <S1> (No record type): Hayward J per Newman J, Ipswich 1992.
  • <S2> (No record type): Rice G A per Newman J, Ipswich 199205..
  • <M2> (No record type): Photograph: finds report sheet and drawing (S2)..

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Mar 13 2019 1:11PM

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