Monument record WRW 042 - Wordwell Lodge, Wordwell Warren

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Site of Wordwell Lodge shown by Hodskinson in 1783, and (more accurately?) on Estate map of 1800.


Grid reference Centred TL 837 764 (63m by 62m) Approximate
Map sheet TL87NW


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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Site of 'Wordwell Lodge' shown by Hodskinson in 1783. At least two buildings depicted (S1).
Possible one building shown in 1836 (S2) at TL 8316 7623 approx.
Location, as measured from Hodskinson's map and shown on OS, falls just within West Stow parish where curve in parish boundary, so perhaps inaccurately mapped (Hodskinson) or building/s other than Warren Lodge (OS) .
Area now part of Kings Forest. Location needs checking.
'Lodge' and possibly two buildings shown on Estate map of 1800 (S3) at TL 8360 7646 (approx). Relocated (to Wordwell from West Stow parish) on HER map and site code changed from WSW 052 to WRW 042 accordingly (CP, 17/07/2008). Note change of parish boundary alignment at this point.
Revised location needs checking on the ground to see if any physical remains visible.
30/08/2008: rapid walk over survey(see event mapping for area walked) in area of revised location (under circa 15 year old pine crop) failed to identify any evidence for lodge though ground very flat suggesting agriculture (shown as arable on 1880 and later maps) and forestry actions would have removed any upstanding evidence. Site may show as discoloured area on RAF 1946 aerial photograph (S4).
For entry for Rabbit Warren see WRW 043 and for related(?) banks see BNH 052 & WRW 044.

2010 and 2017 Breckland Society's surveys of the Warrens of Breckland did not find any trace of the lodge visible on the ground (S5)(S6).

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <S1> Cartographic materials: Hodskinson, J.. 1783. The County of Suffolk surveyed.
  • <S2> (No record type): OS, 1st edition one inch map, 1836.
  • <S3> Source Checked: Suffolk Record Office. Map, A survey and rough Plan of Wordwell Estate in the County of Suffolk, 1800, SRO (Bury).
  • <S4> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. Suffolk CC, digital copy of circa 1946 Aps.
  • <S5> Bibliographic reference: The Breckland Society. 2010. The Warrens of Breckland: A Survey by The Breckland Society. P 37.
  • <S6> Unpublished document: The Breckland Society. 2017. The Internal Archaeology of the Breckland Warrens. p.28.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (3)

Record last edited

May 8 2018 11:27AM

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