Monument record KDG 043 - Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Field 23, Late Iron Age / Roman settlement

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A Late Iron Age / Roman settlement was identified, comprising of a possible rectalinear enclosure, pits and a possible roundhouse gully, part of (WTL 010).


Grid reference Centred TL 5702 2479 (85m by 99m)
Map sheet TL52SE


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

A Late Iron Age / Roman settlement was identified, comprising of a possible rectalinear enclosure, pits and a possible roundhouse gully, part of (WTL 010).

A probable Late Iron Age/ Early Roman settlement was identified which was possibly short-lived. The earliest features were an undated pit which was cut by another, small pit containing pre-conquest pottery with a further undated pit. To the south-east of this pit was a curving gully measuring 0.58m wide containing eight Late Iron Age to Early Roman Sherds. Within the south-western part of the excavation area a large sub0square or sub-rectangular ditched enclosures aligned north to south was identified containing ten sherds of Late iron Age to early Roman Pottery. The subsequent enclosure measured in excess of 30m by 36m with a 3.5 m wide south facing entrance, consisted of three ditches. 356 sherds of pottery dating to just after the conquest (AD43-70) plus four pieces of slag and three pieces of fired clay, possibly form an oven. Within the enclosure Four early roman pits were identified, with the largest containing a bow brooch, a bangle, 93 pottery sherds and part of a probable fired clay triangular loom weight and fired clay fragments. Immediately adjacent and parallel to the enclosure was a narrow ditch containing a few sherds of an Early Roman cordoned bowl or jar. 2m to the west of this was another ditch which terminated in the excavation area and contained a large assemblage of pottery. This consisted of 83 sherds or an Early Roman high-shouldered necked jar. The southern 3.7m length of the ditch weas recut, and a large deposit oof pottery was found where the recut terminated. This assemblage consisted of 237 sherds of at least two Early Roman jars, three undiagnostic fragments of fired clay and a single oyster shell (S2).

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Atkins, R.. 2012. Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design.
  • <S2> Monograph: Atkins, R. and Clarke, R.. 2018. Excavations at Wixoe Roman small town, Suffolk.

Finds (6)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Oct 17 2024 1:35PM

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