Monument record EWL 035 - Land north of Bunkers Hill, Elmswell.

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Prehistoric and Late to post medieval artefact scatter found during field walking at land north of Bunkers Hill


Grid reference Centred TL 9789 6373 (509m by 288m)
Map sheet TL96SE


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

2002: A field walking survey was carried out by Elmswell Millennium History Group on the field. At least five definite worked flints were discovered dating from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age. These included flint cores and burnt flint was also identified. Late Medieval and Early post medieval brick, tile and pottery was also identified. The lack of pre 16th ceramic material suggests that this was not arable land prior to the period as the finds are characteristic of the manuring process. It suggests that the land was either pasture or parkland during the Roman and medieval periods. The lands ownership by the manor of Elmswell Hall and the Abbot of Bury suggests the plot was parkland. It was likely to have de-parked and turned into arable farming following the dissolution. This ties in with the lack of pre 16th century material from the field (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Pendleton, C.. 2002. Elmswell Fieldwalking Surveys: OS Field 0002 North Of Bunkers Hill.

Finds (11)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Feb 5 2020 11:17AM

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