Monument record BCC 136 - Post-medieval recitlinear ditch system, Land west of London Road , Beccles (HEAD) GEO

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Archaeological evaluation encountered evidence for a probable post-medieval rectilinear ditch system.


Grid reference Centred TM 4198 8892 (295m by 445m)
Map sheet TM48NW


Type and Period (9)

Full Description

2019: Geophysical survey identified two linear anomalies of possible archaeological origin. (S1)

Archaeological evaluation encountered a low level of remains across the site, with evidence for at least one phase of a rectilinear ditch system, broadly aligned north to south and east to west, of a likely post-medieval date. The geophysical survey showed that the site was divided into four fields, and historic maps confirmed the division was in use during the 19th century, and may have been post-medieval in origin. The ditch system is interpreted as being associated with pastoral land use of the site. The presence of a possible watering hole/trough, and the general lack of post-medieval finds support this interpretation. The few finds from the ditches were medieval in date, but most likely represent a residual assemblage redeposited in post-medieval features. Three ditches, which produced medieval pottery similar to the principle ditch system, were aligned differently, and may represent a different phase or type of land use. Also revealed were 19 sub-circle pits, distributed across the site with no discernible pattern or grouping. Only two of these features contained dateable finds, in the form of a single sherd of medieval pottery and a single fragment of post-medieval CBM, although several contained charcoal in varying quantities. No firm conclusions about their function were drawn but the similarity of finds implies that their were also related to the post-medieval pastoral activity. Two feature hinted at a possible earlier phase of activity, in the form of a curvilinear ditch in the south-western corner of the site and in a broadly east to west aligned ditch which appeared to be truncated by one of the post-medieval boundaries. No finds were recovered from these features leaving their function and date unknown (S2).

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Harrison, D.. 2019. Geophysical Survey; Land West of London Road, Beccles.
  • <S2> Unpublished document: Mason, N.. 2019. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Land west of London Road, Beccles.

Finds (11)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Oct 5 2022 12:58PM

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