Poorly Located Monument record PSG 030 - Bronze Age hoard. Hall Farm

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Bronze hoard found in stone pit, circa 1844. Formerly recorded as PSG MISC


Grid reference TL 76 48 (point) Poorly located
Map sheet TL74NE


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Bronze hoard found in stone pit, circa 1844: 19 bronze flanged axes, one with chevron pattern, one with series of curved lines (Four in BSEMH and four in BM)(S3)
Found `together with a gold armlet with a single small gold ring attached to it' (S8). Armlet and ring not listed in (S2-7)! Evans (S10) lists gold armlet as from the Great Clare hoard (Ireland). This has clearly been confused with Clare, Suffolk (adjoining Poslingford) by Fox (S8)(S10). Details and analysis of 8 surviving axes in (S7).
The only pit shown on OS first edition 1 inch map (1836 with later additions) & on OS 1880s & 1905 maps in area of Hall Farm is at TL 7615 4820 (S1)(S2). This was probably the findspot of the hoard. No pits shown on hall Farm holdings on tithe map of 1841 (S11), suggesting fresh pit excavation of circa 1844.

Formerly recorded as PSG MISC

Sources/Archives (17)

  • <S1> (No record type): OS, 1 inch map (1st ed) sheet 54, Cambridge, 1865.
  • <R1> Index: OS. OS Card. OS, card TL74NE5, 1976.
  • <M1> Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. Parish file: (nothing in file february 1992)!.
  • <S1> (No record type): Edwardson A R, BA Metal Work in Moyses Hall Museum, 1968.
  • <S1> (No record type): Evans, Bronze Implements, 1881, 48, 389, 464.
  • <S2> (No record type): OS, 6 inch map (2nd ed) sheet LXII SE, 1905.
  • <M2> (No record type): BSEMH map archive: notes & microfilm (copy S2).
  • <S3> (No record type): Archaeologia, 31, 1846, 496-7 (4 figured).
  • <S4> Bibliographic reference: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. PSIA, 1, 1849, 26.
  • <S5> (No record type): Megaw, B.R.S. & Hardy, E.M. Megaw B R S & Hardy E M, `British Decorated Axes...', PPS, 4, 1938, 276 & 301.
  • <S6> Bibliographic reference: 1911. Victoria County History, Suffolk (VCH). 266 & 275.
  • <S7> (No record type): Needham SP, `The EBA Axeheads of Central & S England', unpub PhD thesis, Cardiff, 1983.
  • <S8> (No record type): Fox C, The Archaeol of the Camb Region, 1923, 51 (2 gold rings), 54 (19 flanged axes together with a.
  • <S9> (No record type): Proc Soc Antiq 1, 1849, (1st series), 83 (as S3).
  • <S10> Index: OS. OS Card. TL74NE5.
  • <S11> Map: 1842. Poslingford Tithe Map. (B) T90A/1,2.
  • <S12> Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.

Finds (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Oct 8 2021 1:45PM

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