Monument record MNL 130 - Cooks Drove, West Row Fen; F2a; OS Field 0065 (Neo)

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Dense scatter of worked Neo & EBA flint, pottery, animal bone and burnt flint found fieldwalking between 1965-1986 by C Pendleton.


Grid reference Centred TL 6596 7762 (136m by 113m) Centred on
Map sheet TL67NE


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Dense scatter of worked Neo & EBA flint, pottery, animal bone and burnt flint found fieldwalking between 1965-1986 by C Pendleton. Neo finds include two laurel leaves, five leaf arrowheads, 4 flakes from polished flint axes, two hammer stones (one stone, one flint), one hammer/anvil stone, one fabricator and various worked flints, scrapers, spoke shaves etc. Most pottery BA. Other finds also made by (see 'Not to be published on web' tab for finder/s and/or findspot/s) listed by C Pendleton on list & sketch map with findspots and details (S1).
1977: Excavation on part of site by E A Martin for SAU, demonstrated extensive damage to archaeological deposits on sand ridges, however, features, occupation horizon and mixed peat & marl deposits for environmental samples were recovered on edges of adjoining hollows. Most finds dated to EBA although scatter of Neo material including a flaked flint axe and leaf arrowhead were recovered (S2). Details in excavation archive. Within area of Neo & BA scatters, see MNL 121, MNL 234, MNL 235 in same field and MNL 223 and MNL 226 in adjoining fields.
Also Mes & BA.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <S1> (No record type): Pendleton C, Finds Catalogue & sketch maps, 1965-1988, unpublished.
  • <M1> (No record type): Excavation archive: summary report, letters, accounts, plans, drawings,.
  • <S2> (No record type): SAU, Martin E A, Summary Report, unpublished.
  • <M2> (No record type): photographs etc..
  • <M3> (No record type): Photographs: See photograph index - excavations.

Finds (7)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2009 11:54AM

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