Poorly Located Find Spot record MNL 987 - Bronze Age flanged axes, Holywell Row
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Grid reference | TL 67 78 (point) Poorly located |
Map sheet | TL67NE |
Civil Parish | Beck Row, Holywell Row and Kenny Hill, Forest Heath, Suffolk |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Hoard of four Arreton tradition flanged axes from Holywell Row. `All found together in Holywell Row, Mildenhall' (S1) refers to three axes in Lot 416. The fourth axe from Holywell Row was grouped with other British axes in Lot 415. Shortly afterwards they are recorded in the NBIC (S2) as `four found together', which is accepted by Fox (S3) and Needham (S4). Probably acquired by Greenwell after 1909 and before his death (S4). All four flanged axes have a slight stop bevel:- a) has faceted sides, 13.0 cms long, 354.37 gms; b) 12.8 cms long, 265.78 gms; c) decorated flange sides, 11.1 cms long, 212.61 gms; d) no side facets, 10.8 cms long, 212.61 gms (S5). Originally purchased by Capt J H Ball (RAF) on 24 June 1918 at Sothebys sale of Canon W Greenwell Collection (S1), then loaned to Herts County Museum. Ball Collection sold at Sothebys 17 October 1949, lot 25 & unknown (S4)(S5)(S6).
For further flanged axe (or one of above?) from Holywell Row, see CRN 12770.
Formerly recorded as MNL MISC
Sources/Archives (7)
- <S1> SSF21420 (No record type): Sothebys Sale Catalogue, 24 June 1918, Lot 415 & 416.
- <S2> SSF11643 (No record type): National Bronze Implements Catalogue, BM, (ill).
- <S3> SSF6588 (No record type): Fox C, The Archaeol of the Cambridge Region, 1923, 323, app 11.2.
- <S4> SSF11818 (No record type): Needham S P, The EBA axeheads of Central & S England, Phd Thesis, Cardiff, 1983, 345-348, fig 120.
- <S5> SSF15929 (No record type): Pendleton C, The Distribution of BA metalwork in NW Suffolk, BA dissertation, Nottingham, 1985, numb.
- <S6> SSF21419 (No record type): Sothebys Sale Catalogue, 17-18 October 1949, Lot 125, 45-6.
- <S7> SSF50070 Index: Ipswich Museum. IPSMG card. IPSMG, card Mildenhall EBA.
Finds (2)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
May 21 2020 8:47AM