Monument record WNF 045 - World War Two searchlight battery, Henham Park

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A World War Two searchlight battery site, including the diagnostic arrangements of three sub-circular earthwork banks together with structures, sites of former structures and trackways, and incorporating two pillboxes which are already recorded (MSF 26206 and MSF 26250), is visible on aerial photographs from 1945.


Grid reference Centred TM 4562 7786 (435m by 544m)
Map sheet TM47NE


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Type and Period (4)

Full Description

March 2014. Lothingland, Lowestoft and North Suffolk Coast and Heaths National Mapping Programme.
A World War Two searchlight battery site, including the diagnostic arrangements of three sub-circular earthwork banks together with structures, sites of former structures and trackways, and incorporating two pillboxes which are already recorded (MSF 26206 and MSF 26250), is visible on aerial photographs from 1945 (S1-S3). The pillboxes were still extant in 1999 (S4), but were no longer visible by 2005 (S5).
Further possible World War Two activity is visible within Henham Park to the north-east, with a possible area of tented accommodation related to the searchlight battery visible at TM 4595 7384 (S3), although this has not been mapped as it was not clear. Henham Park was also the location of a troop of four field guns depicted on a map of 1940 (S6), SHER WNF 063.
E. Ford (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 18th March 2014.

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <S1> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF/106G/UK/602 RP 3013-3014 04-AUG-1945 (EHA).
  • <S2> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF/106G/UK/929 RS 4082-4083 16-OCT-1945 (EHA).
  • <S3> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF/106G/UK/929 RP 3021-3022 16-OCT-1945 (EHA).
  • <S4> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-XXX-1999 ACCESSED 13-MAR-2013.
  • <S5> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-XXX-2005 ACCESSED 13-MAR-2013.
  • <S6> Bibliographic reference: Liddiard, R. and Sims, D.. 2014. A Guide to Second World War Archaeology in Suffolk. Guide 1: Lowestoft to Southwold. 1.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Feb 12 2015 1:47PM

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